Interp 'exploit'?
Created 28th May 2013 @ 13:03
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Like a give a shit about some snipers hitting more shots than they are supposed to.
Give me my interp_ratio back, valve!
edit: Is it possible to make a script that makes you join spectator for a split second whenever you change class?
Last edited by winterz,
TF2 update coming:
– Updated the network interpolation and update convars so they can be changed when dead
Quoted from MARIANO
TF2 update coming:
Still retarded and inconvenient, but at least better than before.
Don’t do that winterz, it’s a bad idea.
Quoted from MARIANO
TF2 update coming:
Does that mean that class scripts for interp work again?
It depend your script. If it’s a weapon script where you got dif int , it will not work, if it’s only about class, i don’t know if when you change class it work.
Quoted from KillAri
It depend your script. If it’s a weapon script where you got dif int , it will not work, if it’s only about class, i don’t know if when you change class it work.
Nope, class scripts don’t work, since the game loads them when you respawn, and when you respawn you obviously aren’t dead anymore. You’re have to change it while you’re dead.
You can make a script that changes the interp and class.
like: bind kp_end “cl_interp xxx; changeclass scout
You can also use manual interp adjuster:
bind "]" "incrementvar cl_interp .01 .1 .005"
bind "[" "incrementvar cl_interp .01 .1 -.005"
Updated the network interpolation and update convars so they can be changed immediately after changing class and respawning. This allows the automatically executed [classname].cfg files to update the values.
Yay Valve <3
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