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A Guide to FOV in TF2

Created 22nd May 2013 @ 16:10

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I made a guide explaining FOV in TF2 and what it really depends on. As you may know, the fov_desired setting is not your actual horizontal FOV.

The guide is in pdf form here:


The purpose of the guide is just to give information, as the FOV debate is still raging as we unfortunately saw yesterday.

If you’ve got any questions/corrections, I’m happy to hear them. I know it’s not that easy to read, but hopefully not too bad.

— The main information is basically: —

– 16:9 monitor = 106 horizontal FOV
– Valve’s way of calculating FOV is a bit strange and used to offer pretty much unlimited horizontal FOVs. I’ve been told they have added a hard cap to FOV recently, so I’ve updated the guide to say that.

Last edited by Kerch,


there you have it. you can reach up to 151.9 fov,if you afford a fucking huge monitor or 2/3 different screens. or just use windowed mode,and the crying will be over. tank u bai



I made this comparison of fov’s you can get with custom resolutions up to the maximum aspect ratio that Valve allows (1.85:1).



Quoted from SteveyJJ

I made this comparison of fov’s you can get with custom resolutions up to the maximum aspect ratio that Valve allows (1.85:1).


So this means going above 1.85:1 does not give any increase in FOV? Will have to edit the guide then.



-> http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-25242/page-1/?recent=446468

So what you’re saying is, Valve wants to give people a fov that is comfortable to them (<- definition of personal preference). They do this with fancy maths.

The above shows that Valve does not think high fovs give you a clear advantage (or they would cap it properly). Another argument is that quake (far more competitive than tf2) does not consider it an advantage enough to cap it.

However they've become so enthralled with their fancy maths they completely ignore the fact that some people just like playing with a warped view.



Actual FOV doesn’t matter that much. What matters is how it feels to play with.



Quoted from Kerch


So this means going above 1.85:1 does not give any increase in FOV? Will have to edit the guide then.

The whole reason OpenPlugin exists was to make certain less known tweaks accessible to more players. In the past you could gain higher fov with custom resolutions / expensive setups so we (anakin & I) decided to give the same feature to everyone (and not just those willing to use custom resolutions / pay for an expensive setup).

We point this out multiple times. Valve’s reaction? WELL WE’LL JUST NERF IT (in the most retarded way possible, just fucking admit already you’re wrong, Valve)! (they added a sv_restrict_aspect_ratio cvar, etf2l cfg has it set to 0 meaning nothing changed).

EDIT: This cvar defaults to 1 meaning it only restricts fov gained from custom resolutions. Valve is literally telling you to pay up if you want more fov.

Last edited by Casual,


shouldnt fov increase as res increases, even with same ratio?



well put the fov you cunt



Quoted from Monkeh

well put the fov you cunt



Quoted from Monkeh

well put the fov you cunt




Quoted from rockie

shouldnt fov increase as res increases, even with same ratio?

Not really, all you get is a more detailed view.

Now, following Valve’s logic as the screen size increases, yes your fov should increase (this isn’t the same as higher resolution, although it may be). But instead they scale the view in that case (since they can’t actually measure that). The whole thing is an approximation.

tl;dr: Valve is retarded.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Casual

tl;dr: Valve is retarded.

Now look at their bank account..


(ETF2L Donator)

what has that got to do with anything?


Quoted from Spike Himself


Now look at their bank account..

Yeah, because allowing higher fov would destroy them financially and the main dev for TF2 also is the head of their sales division.

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