IPZ needs gfx help: Weird bug
Created 30th April 2013 @ 02:35
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For a couple of weeks I am getting these weird graphical glitches in TF2 and no other game. Some objects in the map would be invisible when I am far away from there and then go transparent to clearly visible by going closer. Here are some examples
look at the wood pile:
the chimney:
My start up properties:
-dxlevel 81 -full -w 1600 -h 900 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -freq 120
My specs: RAM etc Gfx
all drivers are up to date and so far i didnt find any other forum posts on etf2l nor on about this :) It´s not a gamebreaking bug but it always gives me the feeling something isnt right about my game. I also dont use any gamechanging plugins and like i said this happened also before steampipe. If you could help me with this you get much ♥ and a free hat!!!
update also tried to mess arround with dxlevels, maybe someone keen on that would be so kind and finally punch some sense into me :D
Last edited by IPZIE,
I have the same when i play on laptop, I think it’s because of these 2 things i have in my autoexec.cfg:
lod_transitiondist 0
cl_detaildist 1
cl_detailfade 0
You can even see the person standing behind the object
This never happens online though, only offline or when playing demos and sv_cheats is set to 1
Add these cvars to your config:
mat_forceaniso 16
mat_trilinear 1
Does this happen using the dx9frames config as well (and ofc. changing your startup options accordingly)?
Isn’t this working as intended? I imagine fps configs reduce the max distance stuff should be rendered (and the game makes a smooth transition with transparency).
Yeah this is just the way source engine works :o its not your problem, its how the maps are made you have them divided in segments so that you dont render everything at the same time, just make the rendering distance bigger as suggested above ^^
edit: try “cl_detaildist 12000”
Last edited by stuntz,
mh? ok well maybe im retarded but i can´t seem to fix it, also that means i can see all your stickytraps errywhere mark so watch out!
Last edited by IPZIE,
There is nothing to fix you see, its ment to be like that.
Though f it didnt happen to you before it’s most like due some performance/optimization fix or if you have changed your gpu settings might be related to that.
Quoted from IPZIE
mh? ok well maybe im retarded but i can´t seem to fix it, also that means i can see all your stickytraps errywhere mark so watch out!
It’s like that for everyone – props fade out based on distance from them, and the distances are set individually for each prop in the map file
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