Beginner medic guide!
Created 22nd April 2013 @ 18:37
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The same post also mentions
Their old distance-based damage ramp range was 150% -> 50% variance around the base 120 damage, and the update reduced that to 115% -> 50%.
Resolving yet another mistery; stickies did 180 dmg at maximum and now do 138 at max.
Then again I have no idea how the lack of damagespread affects that.
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from Spike Himself
Then again I have no idea how the lack of damagespread affects that.
from the wiki:
tf_damage_disablespread 0/1 – turns random damage-spread (+-10%) for weapons off/on – server operator only
The ramp up is how the original damage is initially calculated. I think the spread is then simply applied on top of this.
Subtracting 10% off the max 115% damage ramp up would make it 105% of the base 120; making it 126 dmg max.
Alternatively, 115% of 120 -> 138; 138 minus 10% -> 124.2 (90% of 138), or 125.45 (where 138 was assumed to be 110%).
I was never good at maths..
Quoted from Mirelin
113hp it is that critical damage, when an enemy demoman can kill you with 1 sticky
That’s not it.
Of course that doesn’t render Mirelin’s point invalid; 113 is probably a coincidentally nice near-average number that does the job. Let’s also not forget the fact that Mirelin isn’t prem just because of this :)
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Random thing a lot of people don’t realise (not exclusive to medics, but especially handy in those situations where you have to escape but also have to watch the spam that is chasing you):
Remember that if you walk backwards and strafe at the same time, you retain the same speed as walking forwards.
Obviously you should be able to navigate all the maps walking backwards.
Random tip 2: Don’t use archaic custom autoheal scripts, they are worse at charging uber than the built in Valve autoheal, tried and tested. (this has to do with the healing “downtime” when switching healtargets which is bigger when you use a custom autoheal script).
Quoted from skeej
Random thing a lot of people don’t realise (not exclusive to medics, but especially handy in those situations where you have to escape but also have to watch the spam that is chasing you):
Remember that if you walk backwards and strafe at the same time, you retain the same speed as walking forwards.
Obviously you should be able to navigate all the maps walking backwards.
Random tip 2: Don’t use archaic custom autoheal scripts, they are worse at charging uber than the built in Valve autoheal, tried and tested. (this has to do with the healing “downtime” when switching healtargets which is bigger when you use a custom autoheal script).
Wait do you mean like the autoheal script used in this config maker?:
Just checking because my cfg is made using that.
EDIT: Link fail lol had to move it down
Last edited by Switch,
Quoted from Switch
Wait do you mean like the autoheal script used in this config maker?:
Just checking because my cfg is made using that.
EDIT: Link fail lol had to move it down
Yes, that’s what he means. Basically, anything that isn’t the built-in autoheal function.
Auto heal is for pussies that have no stamina in their fingers.
DO YOU EVEN (finger) LIFT?
TLDR: If you are below 100, you need to be far more liberal with your uber popping, lest you drop it..
Sometimes it’s ok to drop.
Well, not really, popping is always better, but if you have 2 soldiers and a demo with you, and you are dodging a scout, you should theoratically not need to pop. If you drop to that scout anyway, it wasn’t really your fault. Personally I rarely ever pop uber if I have 2 or more DM-capable classes with me in such situations.
Yes, my team would have been better off if I did pop in that particular moment.
In the grand scale of things, thus statistically, it matters little – the scout should’ve died before I did. 9 out of 10 times, he will.
Quoted from NsX.
What are you on about? Mirelin is pointing out that changing the time your health bar goes RED can help you determine whether to pop an uber etc etc “113hp it is that critical damage, when an enemy demoman can kill you with 1 sticky. ” Nothing to do with “getting broselhud”
Regards, NsX.
you can change the amount of health that triggers the health cross/number to go red with the broselhud custom intsaller.
Take one for the team, they said.
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