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Casts for cash?

Created 8th March 2013 @ 14:07

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Have I been missing something or is this service available and just not publicized.

Currently there is a large amount of casts going on between tf2.tv and vanilla tf2, but before the emergence of competition there were slightly fewer casts with casters stating they were too busy/real life.

Also currently only high skill games are casted which I can fully understand for the wider audience’s entertainment.

But it makes me think that a market is being missed, would casters be happy to cast matches if there was a small money incentive to cover a lower skill game, I have no experience in casting but on average there are usually 2 casters and 1 cameraman on a decent top flight cast.

I’m sure a price scheme could be worked out that is mutually acceptable for both sides the teams who want to be casted and the casters themselves, where they charge per map/game or per hour.

Casters would charge different prices depending on how popular they are etc etc, but maybe some ballpark figures could be £5 for a solo person casting a match/hour or £20- £30 for 2 casters + a cameraman, ok so were talking very little money for an hour of someone’s/a teams time yet it would add up, if a caster was motivated and solo casted four matches over a week that’s a few drinks in the weekend paid for, upkeep of his/her/their website or new equipment which would of otherwise not been purchased.

When competitions/leagues get to the late stages in the lower divisions and crunch matches decide who get promoted from div4 to 5 for example teams may be willing to pay to have the match casted, currently there is a no way to get a cast except a small chance that some community member may do it for free but there is no guarantee they will cast anything you send them since there is no incentive.

There will probably be very few people who would like this service, but at the end of the day does it harm anyone offering it on the side?

What do people think? I am expecting a lot of flame just for mentioning paying casters but I don’t see any harm on people making a bit of pocket money on the side, most people piss away way more than that each weekend down the pub or gamble it away. Between 12-18 people in a match could cover the costs very easily and it would not take much for the interested parties to club together to fund a show.


and where would the money come from, exactly? air?



Quoted from AnimaL

and where would the money come from, exactly? air?

I’m guessing the players.
Even if I were a richfag, I would never give someone 30£ to watch/commentate a tf2 match.
Besides, who’s paying the players then? If the casters get 30£ for doing pretty much jack shit, what would the players then get?



1) TF.TV already pays casters a bit because they think it’s only fair. That’s what the subscribe button is for. Unless something pretty major has changed, VTV isn’t in a position to start paying casters long term unless its coming out of byte/trell’s own pocket.

2) I think you’re vastly underestimating what goes into a cast. Sure the casters is what you guys see when you watch it, and then you’re vaguely aware of the camera guy, but what about all the art assets that get used? What about the custom huds? What about the promotion that gets done? What about simply having an org to do this all. Although you guys may not realise it, believe me when I say that the production quality on TF2 casts (VTV and TFTV) is punching wayyyyy above what it should be considering the money and viewership involved. That’s not just my opinion either, that’s the real reason TwitchTV are happy to give us the massive amount of help we get and they’ve expressed that to us on numerous occasions. I’m not saying this community is spoiled or anything, I just think it’s important to realise what we have.

More content is not the way forward. There is plenty of content and it’s coming out at a healthy, sustainable rate considering the number of people involved. What we need to do is get pub players hooked, and casting div4 games for token sums of money is not the way to do it.

Last edited by Skyride,


Skyride wins, Black_Bob is knocked out.



Yeah sorry Bob, this is me flaming you, k.




Quoted from Kvux

doing pretty much jack shit

I think you know pretty much jack shit about casting then…


If u want TF2 to move forward just get lexs to be cameraman for every game for both VTV and TFTV.EU .



ask ThePledge hes talking on his stream about 20 Euros per cast if Tf.tv wants him to cast :D

Last edited by IPZIE,



Quoted from IPZIE

ask ThePledge hes talking on his stream about 20 Euros per cast if Tf.tv wants him to cast :D

as if anyone with alternatives at hand would want pledge to cast :o

Last edited by ash,



I’ve never heard of people wanting to pay to get their match casted. But if there were, I don’t think they’d be happy to pay the amounts required to get a team of casters and streamers, usually covering premier level games, interested in casting a div 7 shitnerd match.


(Toucan Ambassador)

You’d have to pay me to cast another Broder game.
Those kids are terrible!


Why you gotta be so vindictive ipz :/



If you’re desperate to get your game casted and its a good game you can always send your demos to Sal, I don’t know if he still does games e-mailed to him but he used to.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from atmo

Why you gotta be so vindictive ipz :/

Hell hath no fury like a German scorned.

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