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Created 1st March 2013 @ 19:50

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nice quality! xD fix it pls


CanFo replaying a video is not claiming as your own?! And like you said the copyright is with Twitch, not vtv. Surely if what you’re saying is the case embedding videos should be an offense?!

Trell soz m8 bin on da johnnie walker nd da way ur reply resonated in ma head woz obviously wrong. Ur rite tho I don’t undastand da level of professionalism insisted on when your demopgrahic is a few hundred kids who play video games. Fair enuff representation of eu tf2 in on show but sensabull guidelines/standards sud suffice… just comes across as complete ovakill 2 me nd I find it quite off-putting nd sorta cringeworthy. Altho I am but a simple Yorkshireman.

Quoted from maukkaaa

nice quality! xD fix it pls

Should be fine, was having a problem with one of the cc vods

Spike Himself


Chaplain, you might remember me mentioning in the stream chat I had no audio? I left the stream running while I went off to do other things, and an amazing 5 hours later suddenly there it was! :D

Need to take some time off and just acrue vods tbh, not got enough for a decent time atm. Will play the playlist again from today now and then will just download a load


love you rich



Quoted from Ritalin

My proposed names were rejected :(

good stuff though

Should have called it “Dave”.


(ETF2L Donator)

I SUGGESTED DAVE! and Dave Fortress but they were both rejected with a mere “lol”



Quoted from Sideshow

I SUGGESTED DAVE! and Dave Fortress but they were both rejected with a mere “lol”

These idiots don’t know how to market their product, it’s okay Josh we can take our great ideas elsewhere.



Quoted from nTraum

2nd stream tf2 movies only.

bring it on.

Haha this so much! :)

Should be back now, lots of new vods


(ETF2L Donator)

Just tried to watch it but got really laggy video for me. I guess it’s probably on my end, but then that could be a problem if you’ve got the quality too high because my internet is normally good here.


Quoted from Sideshow

Just tried to watch it but got really laggy video for me. I guess it’s probably on my end, but then that could be a problem if you’ve got the quality too high because my internet is normally good here.


its like 1fps

Quoted from AnimaL


its like 1fps

The vod I was playing was one where lexs was lagging on the original stream and I forgot; technically the streamed content never dipped below 60fps just the vod itself was lower than that

Spike Himself


Quoted from Chaplain


The vod I was playing was one where lexs was lagging on the original stream and I forgot; technically the streamed content never dipped below 60fps just the vod itself was lower than that

Maybe add a small animated gif as an overlay on your stream, so people can tell?

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