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Steam Group: Unusual 6vs6 TF2 Maps / looking for admins

Created 19th October 2012 @ 13:09

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Quoted from Hallow

It’s just like unlocks tbh. People haven’t played enough to realize they don’t want them. People can’t face that other people actually might be able to judge the quality of a map/unlock so they have to try it out for themselves. That’s why the unlock discussion goes around in circles; it’s fed by new people who haven’t got a clue.

If you understand it comparing to unlocks a little bit better, look here:
“UNLOCKZZZ TEST MIX GROUP COME JOIN GUNBAOTS EQULISER GOGOOG”, and suddenly random “pro” comes up and says “unlocks are retarded and bad, don’t play with them, ecpecially that fucking equalizer, u all noobs if you like it”. This group just for people who wants alternatives and changes, but not on league level (yet). Some people don’t want let randoms decide what’s good or bad for them, if you are okay with anyone 1 div higher you, telling you how to enjoy the game, you are basically fucked. If I love gunboats and there is way to find 11 more people who love it too, this is amazing. Being against any alternatives so much, you even protest mix group, it’s just beyond good and evil. I hope, you get it, otherwise, every other explanation is futile.



Quoted from envy

If you understand it comparing to unlocks a little bit better, look here:
“UNLOCKZZZ TEST MIX GROUP COME JOIN GUNBAOTS EQULISER GOGOOG”, and suddenly random “pro” comes up and says “unlocks are retarded and bad, don’t play with them, ecpecially that fucking equalizer, u all noobs if you like it”. This group just for people who wants alternatives and changes, but not on league level (yet). Some people don’t want let randoms decide what’s good or bad for them, if you are okay with anyone 1 div higher you, telling you how to enjoy the game, you are basically fucked. If I love gunboats and there is way to find 11 more people who love it too, this is amazing. Being against any alternatives so much, you even protest mix group, it’s just beyond good and evil. I hope, you get it, otherwise, every other explanation is futile.

Read all of my comments and I’m sure you’ll understand my argument. He didn’t want to play certain maps because they were according to him “bad”, but wouldn’t accept that other maps, which are almost by definition bad, were bad, simply because he hadn’t played them enough to get a proper opinion.


Quoted from Hallow

Read all of my comments and I’m sure you’ll understand my argument.

First of all, Crafz didn’t start that retarded “good/bad” discussion. Secondly, you answered to “map is unfinished, so we won’t play it” with “but remaining old maps are bad, i know because someone told me / i played it, it’s bad, and you should listen to me”.

playing old ones because you haven’t realized they’re bad yet seems pointless.

How can anyone realize it if they didn’t play these maps? I mean, seriously. Greatest “argument”, 10/10.
Also, common sense: the person, who wants to play anything alternative to badlands, surely isn’t stubborn and may listen to feedback if demand on currently developed maps will be huge.



My main problem was that most of the maps were ex etf2l maps. Which I wouldn’t consider unusual. That is all.

I was just suggesting maps I would consider to be unusual to the EU community. And yea Mach 4 is shitty but it is quite fun from what I recall. Just no heavies/ engies and its playable.


I rented a 30 slot Mumble server located in Frankfurt, for a year. Only for this project. Feel free to join.

Name: Unusual Maps
Port: 2487

Also we uploaded three different white lists on the server: owl7, esea and ugc. If we actually will use one of them will be decided in mumble.

I uploaded most of your suggestions, happy now?


Cool event, was great fun!


Great idea, the steam group seems already a huge success, I hope it works out…

It’s awesome to see new maps tried



Lots of fun. Just get that Aussie whitelist going and we’re golden!


cp_freight cp_obscure_final

lol, i think 2fort is missing

Last edited by AnimaL,


What about suggesting cp_orange_x3? Like… how do you even draw this line? How are you making this connection?

Here is a list of maps we played so far:
cp_follower 2x


Uploaded four new/old Maps:

Also, I am looking for players who can run this group without my help. Add me on Steam if you are interested. Sm or rcon rights for a server are required.

Last edited by Crafz,



The maps in the dropbox list are now available as fast download for servers using FakkelBrigade as fast download server ( sv_downloadurl “http://fakkelbrigade.eu” )

Also, the free servers available through the FB reservation system ( http://server.fakkelbrigade.eu ) have these maps.



Quoted from Arie

The maps in the dropbox list are now available as fast download for servers using FakkelBrigade as fast download server ( sv_downloadurl “http://fakkelbrigade.eu” )

Also, the free servers available through the FB reservation system ( http://server.fakkelbrigade.eu ) have these maps.

big thanks, Arie! :)


Uploaded three new/old Maps:

Also, I am looking for players who can run this group without my help. Add me on Steam if you are interested. Sm or rcon rights for a server are required.

Nearly at 1000 Members now :D


PPPARTY TIME!!! 1000 Members Reached!!!

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