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Jumping over the trains in Well

Created 13th January 2008 @ 21:37

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I was under the impression that jumping over the trains on cp_well befor the setup ends and the round starts was considered bad manners and lack of sportmanship, just wondering what the rest of the community thinks about the pre fighting done in well. :)


fairly standard thing that everyone does, if you werent meant to do it there’d be a huge invisible wall in the way?


Ack to Anim.
Can do it, (almost) everyone does it.

If the league was to disallow it, where is the line? May you still shoot through the gap between waggon and building? When are you allowed to jump on the wagon, if you want to get to the other side?


yah valid points. I know allmost everyone does it but that doesnt make it right :).
where to draw the line? Dont jump onto/over the carts prior to round start, everything else goes.
But hey, if you cant beat em’ join em’


I don’t think we can find a rule on this matter.
According to your proposal, a soldier would be allowed to rocket jump straight in the air, fire a rocket at the enemy team, rinse, repeat – while the opposing soldier isn not allowed to jump on the wagon.
Nah… let Valve change it to an invisble wall, or rather leave it as it is



Should be allowed for solds and demos. In my opinion scouts should not go above the trains since afaik you can only reach them from red’s side when playing scout.


i totally agree with Moose.


I agree with moose, scouts shouldnt be allowed simply because it give red team a big advantage. Soldiers and demomans however should feel free to do pipe-/rjump over

bob buttons

Can’t say I’m a great fan of it. Shooting over the barrier before setup ends seems a little lame to me. To me, I don’t think Valve purposely left the ability to rj up on the barrier before setup ends in, rather they just didn’t think about it (Gates being shut up in prematch being the priority).



I agree with jaydee.

Jumping over before setup time is over to me is lame and lack of sportsmanship.
Even thought valve didnt include the wall there is probably becuase u should be able to rj over it once setuptime is over.

For me the setuptime is a time to setup not a time to have soldiers rocket duelling and a demo going sticktastic on the oponents door.

So I am against it.. Not ok to shoot through the gap either imo.



Not much to say here since Mose summed it up already. Just don’t spoil the game with imposed behavior when unnecessary and call it sportsmanship. You don’t want to go that way.


Tbh .. jumping over the train is risking getting killed – so doing it is at own risk.
Calling it unsportsmanship behaviour is a bit of a heavy statement, since both teams can do it.

Red scouts shouldnt be allowed to jump over since there is a map unbalance in that way. – as moose said –


moose is right


You can jump over the train from both sides. On the blue side it’s just “a bit harder” :) Still, I think socuts shouldnt be allowed go to the other side when in setup although shouldnt soucts be allowed to above the train?


imo it should be so that you can jump on the train, but not land on the other side before the setup ends.

won’t start crying tho if everyone agrees that anything goes.

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