With or without Viewmodel?
Created 6th September 2012 @ 09:46
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Share your experiences…I (Scout) personally preferred playing with viewmodel for a long time and now changing back to play without.
With for a long time, because I would lose track of which weapon I had equipped if they were all off, which was annoying and distracting in the middle of a fight. Now I use broesel’s crosshair switcher, and I can have individual weaponslots with viewmodel and others without, I prefer without for my primary weapons and with for secondary.
I switch alot between not having them on, and having them on. I play scout.
Having the viewmodels on makes the game more aesthetic, and I love that.
But, having them on also means I cant see shit.
So, Valve. When to expect a command for transparency? OH Yeah, never..
i use no viewmodel for primary weapon and viewmodel on for secondary and melee usually
Quoted from MIndYe
Without except melee. Bind Q primary, E secondary, F melee.
Personally I have primary to “Q” and use mouse buttons for secondary and melee, it’s easier IMO. With classes that doesn’t use rightclick I bind melee to it.
without on everything! Q to switch between primary and secondary weapons, F to switch to melee
Everything off
At the moment on for melee, then demo and medic.
But haven’t 100% settled on anything yet, apart from on for melee.
I prefer playing with viewmodel but on scout(scattergun), sniper(sniper rifle) and heavy(minigun) I am playing without models.
Well, I mostly use viewmodel on.
But I do have some exceptions like all weapons from Demoman and Scout.
It’s impossible for me to play Rocket Launcher without viewmodel :/
without on everything.
if you dont want to do a rocket jump with shotgun just bind rockets at q and sg at e.
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