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My opinion on how the European scene could go forward

Created 27th August 2012 @ 05:17

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Quoted from dodgydogman


Gone are the days of diggy. Where will the youngins look for their drive, their spirit.

I think they got a nice set of examples flewn in from the US.


nNT ≠

Quoted from

I think this could do wonders merging pixel pickup with VanillaTF2. Especially with links from ETF2L and VanillaTF2 as I’ve said earlier.

I’d be happy to help admin, and even donate some money for servers if needed. Could perhaps look for a sponsor for servers?

Agree with that, and I want to help, in whatever I can, and I can donate some money for support if needed as well :D

PS: VanillaTF2.Pickup sounds great, btw. If the community do like an association with VanillaTF2.org, would make wonders, as lolage said. Starting with introduction posts, and stuff, we could really help to make it happen.

Last edited by Squirry,



someone nick the lobby code and make a web based pickup with steam auth and linked in etf2l and hosted on vanilla with amazing balancing and promotion for good reliable people.

make sure its on my desk by Monday.



Quoted from AcidReniX

And for the record, they DID come over and destroy us. “We didn’t play much” or “We were there to drink” aren’t valid excuses. That’s like me saying, “I’m the best scout in Europe… but I’m not on form when you beat me as I’ve not been playing”. There’s no credibility to it, and if you can’t produce your best in a tournament, and you lose, then the enemy team is simply higher skilled than you.

I don’t think anyone sees them as excuses. They’re just being highlighted to explain why all these totally random suggestions are pointless.


Quoted from BoneS

someone nick the lobby code and make a web based pickup with steam auth and linked in etf2l and hosted on vanilla with amazing balancing and promotion for good reliable people.

make sure its on my desk by Monday.

I’m working on a bot with balancing, its gonna take forever but I hope I can eventually get it done.


d¿s leading epsilon 2-1 in first round game

knoxxx “maybe we should practise”

Last edited by atmo,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from BoneS

someone nick the lobby code and make a web based pickup with steam auth and linked in etf2l and hosted on vanilla with amazing balancing and promotion for good reliable people.

make sure its on my desk by Monday.

Don’t worry I’m on it.



I hear nightbox has this in the bag already guys, chill.



for all the funny people suggesting linking pugs to etf2l etc: how the fuck are you supposed to do that when some people a) have no games played (in some time) or b) no account at all?
and it’s not like etf2l are just gonna give some guy r/w access to their DBs, took them like a few weeks to even upload a Wordpress plugin, so there’s that.

just asking, cause you know, good ideas need good followups.
Sure could probably implement log parsing liek tf2lobby and shit and rank people with that but that’s just a major fucking hassle as well, and it’s not like that is going to be the saving grace of tf2 and may take an endless time, especially with the main coder behind it looking at way different stuff atm (wait for skyride to say more), HYPE.

Last edited by Waebi,


(ETF2L Donator)

It was certainly interesting to see that the americans were turtling more than the eu teams. It worked brilliantly and by no means was it a big reason they won, they won because they fucking owned at tf2, but it was interesting. I don’t think it’s a problem atm because the eu scene works on “unwritten rules” of not turtling like a bunch of slowpokes, but if more teams start doing it then we might have to look at a rule change. Please not the us ruleset though because it is a pain in the arse for scheduling.

The real problem with the EU tf2 scene is that there is a lack of dedication and a lack of competition. There needs to be more competition and keen in the eu scene if we want to get better and compete with the US scene. We still won’t get up to their standard probably because we can’t keep playing against them but we could get closer. The only way anyone will get better is if the very top end is supported, helped, and there is close competition between 3/4 teams that makes them all work hard to beat the others. And in order for there to be this competition and dedication, there has to be a reason. I hope this prize pool for s13 will be a good reason for it, and I hope we continue going like this!

On the original topic of pickups though, there is no discussion to be had. Pixel used to be active, and had some decent players in there. I used to play all the time, and I am still added up fairly frequently, but I’ll admit like a lot of higher level players I’m guilty of choosing a better skilled mix/pu2 over pixel. It’s more fun for me, but it’s not helping the scene very much.

It’d be great if every once in a while you didn’t play those higher level mixes, and instead played a pixel with some d4/5 players. Slowly, there will be more players from a higher level playing frequently there and so it’ll get higher skilled and be a better place for everyone. Instead of chatting about it here, grab some friends, and persuade them to play pixel. I did that a few times and I’d say that average skill level increased about 2 divs, makes it much nicer to play there for everyone.

There is no problem with advertising or accessibility, everyone who plays tf2 above d6 knows about pixel, they just need to put the effort in to join it.


Here are a couple of different suggests that I think really benefit the game in America.

Ruleset – As an outsider to eu tf2 who has been playing with the rules and restricitons of eu tf2 for the past month or so, I think changing up the win/time limit would speed up the pace of games which makes them more fun to watch and play typically.
Short time limits and a win-difference as apposed to a set number of rounds both make games much more time focused rather than point focused. What’s the point of pushing through a choke into an established defense when you are up and you just have to hold out for a short amount of time? Increasing the time limit and replacing the win-difference for a set win limit will produce more action and much less “bus parking.”

Maps – The ESEA setup of one map per week with two matches is pretty ideal. You get time to completely focus on a single map – working out strats etc and then just as it’s getting boring and repetitive, you change maps. This also means there are more maps in the pool, which gives more variety and a chance for new, better maps to come into the pool. Side note; you guys should really play more viaduct, it’s fun and a nice change of pace.

Unlocks (not a big deal) – A lot of people try to make a big deal about unlocks, but I don’t think they really matter much. I prefer to selectively allow/ban unlocks, but overall it’s not really a big deal. With or without it doesn’t make too much of a difference.

League – This one is much harder to implement than the previous suggestions. Europe definitely has America beat in terms of tournaments with the i-series and such. However; I think ESEA gives teams more incentives to improve and keep the game going all season instead of just focusing on the game before a tournament. I know a lot of europeans don’t agree with the league fees, but when those fees provide you with automatic stvs, detailed stats, prize money for the different divisions, and a lan final for the top division, it makes it more than worth it.


Quoted from Waebi

for all the funny people suggesting linking pugs to etf2l etc: how the fuck are you supposed to do that when some people a) have no games played (in some time) or b) no account at all?
and it’s not like etf2l are just gonna give some guy r/w access to their DBs, took them like a few weeks to even upload a Wordpress plugin, so there’s that.

just asking, cause you know, good ideas need good followups.
Sure could probably implement log parsing liek tf2lobby and shit and rank people with that but that’s just a major fucking hassle as well, and it’s not like that is going to be the saving grace of tf2 and may take an endless time, especially with the main coder behind it looking at way different stuff atm (wait for skyride to say more), HYPE.

Your about the ETF2L part. It is an idea that not only would it never happen, it wouldn’t work either. (What if I didn’t play in S12? or S11? or even S10? surely you won’t rate me by my S9 division entry).

I don’t know what exactly you meant by “log parsing”, but if you think to rate players by K/D or something like that – that will never be correct.

There is a good way to do ranking, it would require people to sign up to the gather.
Given the amount of players lurking around, initially you would have to let them rate themselves upon signup, and hope that nobody overrates/underrates themselves too much, otherwise it will ruin a lot of pickups.

Now worries man, its all in the works.



“No pickups currently in play”
“10 pickups played today”


Quoted from TLR

Ruleset – As an outsider to eu tf2 who has been playing with the rules and restricitons of eu tf2 for the past month or so, I think changing up the win/time limit would speed up the pace of games which makes them more fun to watch and play typically.
Short time limits and a win-difference as apposed to a set number of rounds both make games much more time focused rather than point focused. What’s the point of pushing through a choke into an established defense when you are up and you just have to hold out for a short amount of time? Increasing the time limit and replacing the win-difference for a set win limit will produce more action and much less “bus parking.”

I actually agree with this. However, the transition period might be hard for someone completely unfamiliar with NA TF2, so I doubt ETF2L will implement it this season, maybe the next one?


Quoted from Regen

“No pickups currently in play”
“10 pickups played today”

rofl just wait a week or so till the bot dies for 3 days without getting fixed and nobody plays it again

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