Created 29th July 2012 @ 21:56
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Quoted from hycolours
Not sure if want.
On one hand it would help expand the TF2 comp community hugely, but on the other hand we all know the sort of ass-hattery comes with; MLG “xxMLG NO SCOPE PRO” and all that sort of stuff.
the people who do it ironically are worse
800% skilled airshot
Quoted from xiuxiu
uhm the amount of votes tf2 received is nice. just showing how desperate this community is to get acknowledged as a proper “esport”. pure inferiority complex :o
Quoted from bodlakcomment
registering on site just to troll ppl is even more sad
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]registering on site just to troll ppl is even more sad
TF2 has laser weapons too. MLG, pretty please.
Quoted from atmo
Lol Halo 4
Did they ever stop having a halo game at MLG? The last time i watched they had halo reach atill, this was kind of inevitable as Halo is huge money for comp. console gaming.
I remember the feedback thread for TF2 had someone claiming that the MLG logo has a controller in it, therefore it should be console games on the circuit and not PC.
Couldn’t tell if troll or retarded.
Quoted from Russian Guyovich
I remember the feedback thread for TF2 had someone claiming that the MLG logo has a controller in it, therefore it should be console games on the circuit and not PC.
Couldn’t tell if troll or retarded.
I’m pretty sure he was serious
Where do you go to go pro @ console games? I’ve always wondered this. In the pc world you get your connections on IRC and places like HLTV and TL, but for consoles?
Quoted from Koeitje
Where do you go to go pro @ console games? I’ve always wondered this. In the pc world you get your connections on IRC and places like HLTV and TL, but for consoles? and Gamebattles.
Quoted from Koeitje
Where do you go to go pro @ console games? I’ve always wondered this. In the pc world you get your connections on IRC and places like HLTV and TL, but for consoles?
I imagine there are other such sites and stuff where you can get connections from.
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