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Advancing div meetup!

Created 26th July 2012 @ 15:58

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Quoted from mimzyy

[…] = no you’re not him… i saw the real pinky and he was belgiumian but you are south african…liar




Lol I dont undestand, why not just use irc and be like “6v6 div# teams only no rus”



Quoted from dodgydogman

Lol I dont undestand, why not just use irc and be like “6v6 div# teams only no rus”

Because people lie and want to play div4 mix against div6 new team



Quoted from ouizzeul


Because people lie and want to play div4 mix against div6 new team

because its so much fun, waiting 20 minutes to play for 10 mins…

Mr. G - String


Quoted from ouizzeul


Because people lie and want to play div4 mix against div6 new team

Then you kick them from the server, change PW, find another game

Quoted from mimzyy

[…] = no you’re not him… i saw the real pinky and he was belgiumian but you are south african…liar

fight me



Quoted from Mr. G - String


Then you kick them from the server, change PW, find another game

you’ll end up playing less maps because they will waste your time



i have yet to find opponents that lied to me about being à team or not. Sooo… You’re doing sth wrong?!



Quoted from ouizzeul


Because people lie and want to play div4 mix against div6 new team

Dunno about you, but usually if a team lies about their skill, they just get rolled, or if they are a high skilled mix, our team gets rolled. Sure, its a waste of time, but it doesnt happen that frequently, especially if you search teams and no rus. Most of the time teams are realistic about the skill level they are at. If you are finding you are getting rolled or rolling teams too much, maybe you need to re evaluate what div you should be searching.

Also, holy shit your fucking team is amazing. Have you seen this cunting video its bloody MAGICAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayCRfkGA0qE

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