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TF2 Competetive Starter

Created 11th May 2012 @ 15:21

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4 days ago you were searching for a cod4 team.


But because everyone thinks your a hacker, youre going for tf2 ?
top team in cod4? yeah, you beat TCM on i44 but then your teambuddy StuwOw gets kicked from lan and your team gets disqualified.
you went to i45 where you bought the tickets for phantasy and lighters to play with you?
doenst make any sens to me xd

gl anyway? (hopefully clean)

Last edited by Loch,


Chrisw0w got kicked from lan not me, I’ve proven myself at lan and I’ve never paid for anyone to go to lan with me I can just about afford for myself :p

I left COD4 when I seen I-series is no longer supporting it afaik, also bored of the game in general really.


Quoted from Genmix

kTo, for most people it is nearly impossible to jump right into high level tf2,




you’re only going to get yourself a bad reputation by proclaiming that you want to and you’re ready to play top level right away.

start with the basics..


so what if he got kicked from lan not you
youre banned on their equivalent of ETF2l
shoo, dirty hacker shoo (go to css :D)



Ignore the bitter forever div6ers saying you will have to start from the bottom like everyone else. They’re right till you understand the bare bones of the game, but from there realistically as long as you have the raw skill it won’t take much. DM and experience is really all you need to succeed in TF2 (on scout anyway), actually being smart is just a bonus. If you can show you have the DM someone will take a chance on you, and from there you’ll do fine.

Read the stuff ads gave you and play pugs/mixes and do the whole spectate/demo thing for a while and then try and find a div1 team. Worked for rulah which is about the closest comparison to you (or what you claim to be) I can think of.

Edit: the above disregards the hackusations, and assumes you are actually being honest about your skill. Can’t be assed to get all detective, but completley disregard what I’ve said if you know you’re full of bullshit cause it won’t help you in any way :>

Last edited by kaidus,


not even 100h of tf2 yet … where is my popcorn? :)



Quoted from Netsky

not even 100h of tf2 yet … where is my popcorn? :)

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/303305_2201575414900_1712765102_1033903_2007311975_n.jpg he took your coke too



People who play good at LAN can’t be hackers, right?





(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Ignore the haters. If you REALLY want to get good at this game, then you will get good. High level comp experience and good tracking aim will help you to get there faster. There are many examples of players that came from other competitive games and got to a high level very quickly. Just depends on how much skill you actually have and how much effort you’re willing to put into adapting yourself to the mechanics and metagame dynamic of 6v6 TF2.

Read the constructive tips from the non-jelly posts in this topic, and for the rest, just play mixes, play pickups, maybe get some mentoring (experience matters in this game, others can bring you up to speed) and find a decent team. Be realistic about your current abilities; your first team doesn’t instantly have to be the top team you’d want to play in. Good luck!



high level play is not so difficult, just ask blorg.


Quoted from mrwhizz





Quoted from kTo

I need a config and Scout config and all that stuff so if anyone can sort me out with all the basics like configs etc.

Ask Casual! I heard he sells configs etc.



1) Play pubs/dm/mge
2) Watch stv demos or vanillatv/mge insights to learn the game
3) Get connected and make friends within the (higher) scene
4) ????
5) Profit?

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