How to Help TF2
Created 12th March 2012 @ 17:52
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Hmm, there seem to be quite a few people streaming, although wish more div 1/Prem could, but either way, it seems an issue of getting them view.
Any idea where are the best places to get them shown?
Quoted from CrashSite
Hmm, there seem to be quite a few people streaming, although wish more div 1/Prem could, but either way, it seems an issue of getting them view.
Any idea where are the best places to get them shown?
spuf? idk
also added you as I want to admin the newbie mixes :D
Anyone actually posting there to advertise these streams?
Also with the newbie mixes I think I will demand two things for all admins:
First, that they know what they are talking about and can explain it clearly to others. Not giving bad information etc. Along with not being dickheads <3
Second, that they can commit to just one mix per week. But it would have to be consistant.
Sent a proposal to Valve a couple of days ago, on behalf of ETF2L and some other orgs, trying to persuade them into adding a comp subforum. They added it today, so go post:
Need admins for a mix tonight, might as well try to get something going.
So far all the admins asked were busy with officials / mercing. Maybe after all the 2115 CET games?
Last edited by atmo,
Quoted from CrashSite
Anyone actually posting there to advertise these streams?
Also with the newbie mixes I think I will demand two things for all admins:
First, that they know what they are talking about and can explain it clearly to others. Not giving bad information etc. Along with not being dickheads <3
Second, that they can commit to just one mix per week. But it would have to be consistant.
Get the fuck online, we cant pcw without you.
Can we get a sticky with a complete set of links to stuff like: streams, guides, vanillatf2 etc etc.
Quoted from vani
Get the fuck online, we cant pcw without you.
I am coming tonight <3
My personal opinion is that competitive TF2 and public / casual TF2 are two completely different groups of people. It is nearly impossible to persuade public gamers to take part in competitive events (that are more than just a one off). You have to remember why the vast majority of gamers play games in the first place.
I have so many friends who when I say, “I’m just watching a TF2 game”, they turn around and say, “Why would anyone want to watch a computer game? I’d play it but why would I waste my time watching others player it?”. That pretty much sums up the casual / public scene in my opinion.
The two ways to make the competitive TF2 scene grow are by encouraging competitive gamers from other games to move over, and getting the clanless players into teams. For the first one, you have to show them that TF2 is worth playing, they would enjoy it, and that it’s not so hard to start playing.
The main focus should not be on trying to get new players into competitive gaming. The focus should be on getting the current clanless competitive gamers into a team. If you take the recruitment page on ETF2L, you probably have more than 30 teams worth of players on there, and that’s only the players who have bothered to make a post. There are probably hundreds of other players who don’t play competitive TF2 because they simply do not have a team. Get those guys actively playing, and the competitive scene booms.
Persuade people to form teams, give them help with servers, voice comms. Help promote active clanless players who are willing to put in effort for a team. My suggestion would be some sort of pickup system that has the aim of actually building a team. Maybe a player signs up for a pickup and selects an option that they are willing to captain a team. After the pickup is over, they can express their interest in a player they just played with, and that player can respond. Something like a recruitment pickup system.
Last edited by AcidReniX,
Well that was the end goal of the newbie mix group, kinda worked got 3-4 teams I think. If I can get it going again I will try to do it again.
The problem is getting someone to manage it. It is quite hard to add 5 random people and start trialling. I always felt that you needed at least two people to start.
Unless you are someone like Spike…
I can’t actually see a way to get around it.
In terms of pub players not liking comp. There is a good number who just have never tried it. We saw 2000 people join the group, so there are plenty of people who are interested. On top of that, there are plenty of people who have never heard of it and another set with misconceptions.
You can grab always those people.
But yes, a good start would be getting teams together out of available players.
Last edited by CrashSite,
2000 people, 0 mixes in the last 3 days.
Quoted from atmo
2000 people, 0 mixes in the last 3 days.
thats why the group needs new admins lol
Quoted from ashkan
Sent a proposal to Valve a couple of days ago, on behalf of ETF2L and some other orgs, trying to persuade them into adding a comp subforum. They added it today, so go post:
Good job and btw this is one of the better topic i’ve seen for now :p
Last edited by eRB,
Quoted from atmo
2000 people, 0 mixes in the last 3 days.
Well back today. Going to spend my evening sorting it out <3
newbie mix stream vod has disappeared D:
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