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Transparent Viewmodels/FOV Changer (Client Plugin)

Created 31st December 2011 @ 00:35

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Quoted from droso


What will you do if hundreds of comp players (let’s face it, a lot of people tried this plug-in – myself included) get VAC’d?

Why should comp players be treated differently from pub players in this regard?



Quoted from droso


What will you do if hundreds of comp players (let’s face it, a lot of people tried this plug-in – myself included) get VAC’d?

Change their steam ids, as we are always doing in these cases?
We have not discussed how to deal with a massive VAC wave yet but to be honest I do not expect one.



Quoted from droso


What will you do if hundreds of comp players (let’s face it, a lot of people tried this plug-in – myself included) get VAC’d?

then the people have to blame themselves for using a plugin that gives them a unfair advantage :)



Quoted from droso

What will you do if hundreds of comp players (let’s face it, a lot of people tried this plug-in – myself included) get VAC’d?




Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


then the people have to blame themselves for using a plugin that gives them a unfair advantage :)

Define unfair.



Quoted from freshmeatt

Define unfair.

having a zoom on every weapon and bypass the insecure thing



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


then the people have to blame themselves for using a plugin that gives them a unfair advantage :)

Yeah because it’s really unfair to do something that’s doable with ATI Tray Tools/Rivatuner for the most part. A slightly higher fov really does give people a huge advantage! Oh and those transparent weapons, they’re so unfair.
Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


having a zoom on every weapon and bypass the insecure thing

Yeah cause everyone by default has a zoom script.



you will not be able to get the same results using traytools, sadly.



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


having a zoom on every weapon and bypass the insecure thing

How’s that unfair if anyone can do it? Also, I didn’t ask you what you can do with the plugin, I asked you to define unfair.


Quoted from konr

[…]Yeah because it’s really unfair to do something that’s doable with ATI Tray Tools/Rivatuner for the most part. A slightly higher fov really does give people a huge advantage! Oh and those transparent weapons, they’re so unfair.
[…]Yeah cause everyone by default has a zoom script.

r u srsly that dumb? when has ati tray tools been able to give u wh? when has ati tray tools been able to disable grass? how is 140-150 degree horizontal fov without lowering vertical fov considered slighty better?



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]r u srsly that dumb?

ya im srsly that dumb
Quoted from IPZIE

you will not be able to get the same results using traytools, sadly.

I did say “for the most part”.



Quoted from konr

[…]ya im srsly that dumb
[…]I did say “for the most part”.

even that is wrong if you would compare the gfx of a tf2 running rivatuner and a picmipped tf2. the difference is huge c======8


Quoted from freshmeatt

How’s that unfair if anyone can do it? Also, I didn’t ask you what you can do with the plugin, I asked you to define unfair.

hows hacking unfair? anyone can do it!



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN


then the people have to blame themselves for using a plugin that gives them a unfair advantage :)

because a plugin that makes everything accesible to everyone (something valve should think about sometime) is unfair, none of which gives you a definite advantage as similiar things can be achieved by either changing your aspect ratio or using external tools

i see



Quoted from CanFo

Change their steam ids, as we are always doing in these cases?
We have not discussed how to deal with a massive VAC wave yet but to be honest I do not expect one.

That’s kind of the positive answer I was expecting.
That’s cool. :)

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