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Transparent Viewmodels/FOV Changer (Client Plugin)

Created 31st December 2011 @ 00:35

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Quoted from Tommy Testosterone

Do you need a good argument for something that can be considered as a hack?

or better, why dont u give arguments to why would we need hacks like fullbright



Quoted from Awpteamoose

mat_specular 0, bam fixed




Quoted from AnimaL

[…]or better, why dont u give arguments to why would we need hacks like fullbright

Since the source code is released, in the plugin load code add (or something like this anyway):

ConVar* mat_fullbright = g_pCvar->FindVar( "mat_fullbright" );
mat_fullbright->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

I mean it’s not rocket science to compile a C++ project…


Quoted from Casual


Since the source code is released, in the plugin load code add (or something like this anyway):

ConVar* mat_fullbright = g_pCvar->FindVar( "mat_fullbright" );
mat_fullbright->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

I mean it’s not rocket science to compile a C++ project…

hahah inb4 every kid changes mat_fullbright to sv_pure and runs around with material hacks



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]hahah inb4 every kid changes mat_fullbright to sv_pure and runs around with material hacks

>implying said kids are able to compile a C++ project


this shit is getting out of hand



lol yeah, this will soon be hey download this put it in tf and you can toggle wall hacks!



Quoted from lolage

lol yeah, this will soon be hey download this put it in tf and you can toggle wall hacks!

ConVar* r_drawothermodels = g_pCvar->FindVar( "r_drawothermodels 2" );
r_drawothermodels->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

Ask and thou shallt receive.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from longas

this shit is getting out of hand



Quoted from Casual


ConVar* r_drawothermodels = g_pCvar->FindVar( "r_drawothermodels 2" );
r_drawothermodels->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

Ask and thou shallt receive.

I have never understood why they don’t ban people like you from forums.



Quoted from konr

[…]I have never understood why they don’t ban people like you from forums.

Why should he be banned? It’s blatantly obvious that this is the way to do it (it’s only bit flipping, it’s not exactly a complex operation).

It also appears to be invalid, probably something like this is desired instead:

ConVar* r_drawothermodels = g_pCvar->FindVar( "r_drawothermodels" );
if(r_drawothermodels & FCVAR_CHEAT)
    r_drawothermodels->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_CHEAT;

Should I ban myself now? I don’t see anything wrong with anything in this thread. It is Valve’s fault for allowing such a gaping hole in their game, and then not caring about it when it’s exploited. Either everyone knows, or it becomes a privelege to become enlightened about this — I’d much rather the former, the latter is no good.

To the people saying that this is the fault of the people programming the plugin(s), it isn’t. This is completely Valve’s fault.

Here are a few goodies that should work:

– Disable replication of sv_cheats
ConVar* sv_cheats = g_pCVar->FindVar("sv_cheats");
if(sv_cheats & FCVAR_REPLICATED)
    sv_cheats->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_REPLICATED;

– Disable replication of host_timescale
ConVar* host_timescale = g_pCVar->FindVar("host_timescale");
if(host_timescale & FCVAR_REPLICATED)
    host_timescale->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_REPLICATED;

Mors Immortalis


Quoted from longas

this shit is getting out of hand

since this topic appeared

but people at Valve seems do not care



Quoted from octochris

To the people saying that this is the fault of the people programming the plugin(s), it isn’t. This is completely Valve’s fault.

True, but in the end being able to join a VAC secured server with an unsigned plugin is a bug, and bug abusing is not allowed by ETF2L rules. Even if it is unenforceable by the admins, there should be a clear cut statement from them regarding the use of these plugins.

Just to be clear, I have nothing against people wanting a higher/lower fov but rather I’m worried about other issues that might arise, as with the “wallhack”, from these plugins.



Quoted from Snyyppis

True, but in the end being able to join a VAC secured server with an unsigned plugin is a bug, and bug abusing is not allowed by ETF2L rules.

I would argue that it isn’t a bug. If you consider this bug abusing, then you will also have to consider a lot of stuff in SourceMod/etc to be bug abusing. All it requires is the right signature.



Quoted from octochris


To the people saying that this is the fault of the people programming the plugin(s), it isn’t. This is completely Valve’s fault.

So since Valve didn’t fix a lot of bugs and glitches, you think rule 6.1 Bug-Using is not allowed should be removed? Because clearly it’s not our fault using them, but Valve not fixing them.

And is just like the massive duck-jump script (or whatever it was called) which gave you an advantage using commands that were available to everybody. This was banned by ETF2L, so please admins, come to your senses and ban this one as well.

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