Rate hacks
Created 13th December 2011 @ 23:05
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proper bandwidth hacking is by far the best way to hack… if someone accuses you of hacking you just say you occasionally have bad internet… kinda ban proof
Last edited by AnimaL,
Quoted from Kiss Kiss
Placebo Hacks. Fucking eastern europeans.
This – I’m sure some people do rate hack but the majority of times its probably just a psychological effect of ‘miss 1 shot OH MY GOD HES RUSSIAN MUST BE RATE HACKING proceed to miss the whole game’
and jackkai
Quoted from Dummy
This – I’m sure some people do rate hack but the majority of times its probably just a psychological effect of ‘miss 1 shot OH MY GOD HES RUSSIAN MUST BE RATE HACKING proceed to miss the whole game’
and jackkai
God damned rate hackers.
You’re lucky you don’t have this problem because you’ll miss your shotguns either way
Quoted from Starkie
God damned rate hackers.
You’re lucky you don’t have this problem because you’ll miss your shotguns either way
i dont know what youre talking about
now, 3 hp meatshots, thats another thing
oh god no… another circlejerk
This game is funny cause the hitboxes get fucked even on the best of servers with players who are on 100/100 fiber connections, etc. It’s kinda pointless accusing everyone of ratehacking if a shot doesnt register.
PS. Looking at you Hat.
Last edited by Rake,
Quoted from AnimaL
proper bandwidth hacking is by far the best way to hack… if someone accuses you of hacking you just say you occasionally have bad internet… kinda ban proof
I have bad internet that probably makes me hard to hit sometimes but it’s just as hard for me to hit them.
Quoted from atmo
I have bad internet that probably makes me hard to hit sometimes but it’s just as hard for me to hit them.
depends what you mean with bad internet… u can have bad ping, bad loss, bad ping and loss, shitty bandwith…etc
ive had massive loss (like 40+) out of 66/s rates and its so fucking nice to play with it as long as its not 24/7 but exactly in mid of fight
obviously its good only for scout, because its terrible to have it when ur trying to shoot rockets or pipes, or trying to dodge as medic (since u dont see most rockets and pipes when they are coming out from enemy)
Last edited by AnimaL,
Quoted from Stuppa
oh god no… another circlejerk
TF2 is just one large circlejerk
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