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Low level 6v6 experience

Created 11th June 2011 @ 12:31

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They really want to play with someone new.
Chat with any of them and im sure they will respond to you.

Yeah, you guys should play with them, I guess they deserve it!



Quoted from Koeitje


There is no skill requirement for pixel pickup afaik. Only thing they ask is to follow the rules and not make people rage quit because you followed the rules :).

I thought you needed to at least prove that you are div 5 standard?

Spike Himself


Quoted from dodgydogman

I thought you needed to at least prove that you are div 5 standard?

Correct. Koeitje is just butthurt because ages ago he got banned for being a child (offclassing to engi or w/e full games AND argue it was ok to do so). Don’t know the exact details, I wasn’t there at the time.



Quoted from Spike Himself


Correct. Koeitje is just butthurt because ages ago he got banned for being a child (offclassing to engi or w/e full games AND argue it was ok to do so). Don’t know the exact details, I wasn’t there at the time.

Fact 1. Cinnamon rules, which were the channel rules at that point in time, allowed for gunslinger/frontier justice engineers.
Fact 2. My team won easily. Completely trashed the opposition with 3+ mans on mid as engineer.
Fact 3. People butthurt that they got rolled by an engineer while they were playing their main class started to report me. (fucking lol @ the people that want more classes & unlocks in 6v6 getting butthurt)
Fact 4. There is no skill requirement enforced. I’ve reported plenty of players that weren’t div5 (Ghostface for example), but nothing was ever done about it.
Fact 5. My permanent ban was based on something that never took place (Antyy & Animal can confirm, probably the other guys in my team to (minimoose was in that team I think). Although I doubt joske will, since he was the reason for the ban.).

Conclusion: refrain from posting if you don’t know the circumstances.

Conclusion 2: if you want somebody banned from pixel pickup just get a friend and keep reporting them. Doesn’t matter if it actually happened, nobody cares about that anyway.


Really no credit to team :(

Last edited by Koeitje,


is good!

Quoted from Koeitje


Fact 1. Cinnamon rules, which were the channel rules at that point in time, allowed for gunslinger/frontier justice engineers.
Fact 2. My team won easily. Completely trashed the opposition with 3+ mans on mid as engineer.
Fact 3. People butthurt that they got rolled by an engineer while they were playing their main class started to report me. (fucking lol @ the people that want more classes & unlocks in 6v6 getting butthurt)
Fact 4. There is no skill requirement enforced. I’ve reported plenty of players that weren’t div5 (Ghostface for example), but nothing was ever done about it.
Fact 5. My permanent ban was based on something that never took place (Antyy & Animal can confirm, probably the other guys in my team to (minimoose was in that team I think). Although I doubt joske will, since he was the reason for the ban.).

Conclusion: refrain from posting if you don’t know the circumstances.

Conclusion 2: if you want somebody banned from pixel pickup just get a friend and keep reporting them. Doesn’t matter if it actually happened, nobody cares about that anyway.


Really no credit to team :(

as one can see from the second screen, i played med in that pickup and we all agreed, that Kojtie can go engi and we won, so yeah….

Spike Himself





Winning while adhering to the rules. I don’t see the problem? I play to win.

Last edited by Koeitje,



the problems in pixelpickup are wideranging and I won’t bother repeating myself in this thread. Just a shame skyride has decided to ignore for the most part even though he’s an extremely clever guy who many including myself have a lot of time for.


is good!

Quoted from Spike Himself


yeah, I dont really see where the problem is?


Quoted from Koeitje

Winning while adhering to the rules. I don’t see the problem? I play to win.

nice generalisations in your previous post
koetjes situation and how you view it depends on how you view the admins, more personal or more ESEA / ESL like
koetje, you got banned because of the way you talked to admins and other players after the games, not only because of engineer
if you would main engie in premiere games then I would be on your side but you dont, so…
p-pug has so many glaring flaws and problems its painful, I wont dispute that, neither will i dispute the fact that most of these problems could be solved with a little effort from the admins who unluckily show only apathy

Last edited by Dummy,



He makes you look like a nice guy Dummy.



Koeijte, the reason you got banned wasn’t so much that you were going engineer. The fact you were still winning games is proof of that. No, the real problem is how you come across to people. You shit talked down at a lot of people in pickups, made them feel pretty bad, and it’s just not right. You focus on the fact that you playing engineer wasn’t losing games, because it allows you to justify to yourself that you shouldn’t have been banned, and minimise what you were doing wrong.

If someone in a pickup is bad, you try to help them. If they’re still making the same awful mistakes, you report them to admins. And not “rofl this person is so fucking bad”. You actually come and give me, or Spike, a reasonable explanation of why this person is bad, examples of what they’re doing, no comms, etc,,, I’ve only once had someone actually come and speak to me like this about a person in there.

When people report things, and they clearly mad and just talking shit about the person, you make it a lot of work for me and the other admins to actually work out whats going on. You forfeit me trusting your word, and I then need to go speak to a lot of other people, and judge if all of those people are being honest and accurate based on their personalities, and how those people feel about the person in question.

Equally, I could go about banning a lot of people, but where do we stop? The bottom line is that in any skill-based invite system, someone is always going to be claiming someone else is too bad to be there.

I’m not saying Pixel Pickup is perfect, sure there is a lot of things that could be improved, but it’s not like most of the problems are things that can be fixed by changing rules and banning people. It’s mainly attitude problems from a lot of people, and that’s not something I can fix. I can deal with the clear cut edge cases (Koeijte’s attitude towards others in the channel and screaming retarded 14 year olds who can barely speak English), but a lot of the time, I don’t really want to go about banning people willy-nilly, because most people deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Also, I want to point out, if someone does have a serious problem, and what they believe is viable solution, come and speak to me about it. I’m not a mind reader, you need to tell me. :P

Last edited by Skyride,



Extend Koeitje’s ban? The amount of ironic butthurt is so hilarious I want to see more :D



You forgot the part where I got banned after somebody reported me for something I did not do. Me, Animal, Antyy & Minimoose were having a normal game. Joske was bitching at Rinta. Rinta got us all banned (but not Antyy and Minimoose, while they also did the same as me and Animal (ie. absolutely nothing). I was banned for that report (by some random russian girl that could barely speak english, let alone play tf2) and don’t tell me that ain’t so? I already said I’d be nicer in the pug after my unban, and even lived up to that promise.

@War: its 3500 days already :D

I don’t really care about the ban anymore, I hardly play tf2 these days. But I do resent the lies being spread by pixel admins. And to be fair, Adam is probably the only decent admin that channel has (even though he doesn’t actually mod it). All I hope for is an apology from their side that they made a mistake. They can leave the ban as it is.

Last edited by Koeitje,

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