I’ve recently purchased a lovely tf2 server which i’ll make into an awesome bball sever for a bit of public fun, i find dmstore and aim maps really boring and bball is a nice mix of the two.
However im trying to sort my server out with sourcemod to enable class limits and a nice respawn time so as to keep the game flowing and many other features to make it an enjoyable server.

However, my server providers have really wank support and i myself, am wank at configuring servers. So i basically just need around 30 minutes of somones time to sort out my server :-).
Im willing to pay in love and cookies, also their welcome to rcon/admin etc on the server, its getting very busy recently but needs to sort those annoying issues.
Plus hlstats is almost finished as well which should make the server a bit more playable.

Any help would be fan-fucking tastic im available as tapley* on steam or msg me on irc i’ll be found in dcsb and all the regular tf channels. <3