Consistency is the new vanilla :D

Quoted from Hildreth

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY – you can go down the CONSISTENCY road which Torden alludes to and play all your fucking games on time and do your best to keep your team active in the league no matter what the results are. Why every Division 6/5/4 team that plays and maybe wins a couple of maps a season deserves so much more credit because they are trying to keep the league active, not folding after 2 weeks because they recruited the wrong people or because they don’t like the ruleset or the admins or whatever. That is the very least you can do if you play TF2 to be honest.

Yup. Basically this. There is no “problem” really … The problem is perpetuated by people who cba with TF2 anyway. Just play your games and have fun, and voilá, what emerges is a succesful league :)

I love TF2 and rather play it only with and against people who actually enjoy playing!