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Quick switch public/competitve server

Created 18th May 2011 @ 19:53

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inv >

http://pubcomp.comPubComp can be set to 6v6 mode or Highlander mode (and later possibly expanded to others, such as 8v8). I’ll be using 6v6 in to illustrate how it would work.

When there are less than 12 players in a 6v6 PubComp server, the server functions as a normal deathmatch (soap-tf2dm) server. Players can vote to change maps, and play deathmatch as usual, and players can also nominate maps they would like to play for comp. MGE could also be an option for the warmup period. Once a 12th player has joined, a vote goes up and the players vote on which map they would like to play. The map is then changed to the selected map in tournament mode, an appropriate config is executed, and players choose their teams.[/url]


prolly will be fun with yank medics who only heal one guy



Quoted from AnimaL

prolly will be fun with yank medics who only heal one guy

oh u



“Because the excellent MGE and Soap-tf2dm mods already exist, this may not be as intensive a task as it may seem.”

Uhh, this idea seems cool, but im not really sure what you mean by this at all. Are you saying that various mods have been made, therefore making mods is easy?

You should probably contact server providers to lend / donate servers for you to use, in exchange for advertisement. Or ask people to add servers to a pool!

Also, you would have to be extremely lucky to get coders who are willing to create a project this large for free (even though its a nice idea).

Last edited by dodgydogman,



this looks like a awesome idea



the font could need some AA

edit: seriously though, I doubt this will become something big, but gl.

Last edited by Waebi,

Spike Himself


So when you get 12 random folks on a server it turns it into a 6v6 scrim, leaving the players to argue about who picks which class? Good luck :)



Think Spike has hit the problem on the head really. You’re never gonna get any medics. I mean, who actually wants to play medic, anyone who does is a weirdy Bratwurst and lederhosen lover.

Hmmm, sausage and tight shorts….

Anyway, back OT, this seems a bit pointless tbh, join lobby/irc PUG, play pub/DM/MGE until it’s ready to go…..GO!

Last edited by Monkeh,

even maddox website is less retro than yours



it’s a buttload of stuff that needs to be coded and not at all worth it.
rather spent the resources on some irc bot managing #tf.wars




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