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What sketch wrote

Created 7th May 2011 @ 18:56

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eventually as more top players leave / get real life and jobs etc like always happens, new players will replace them. the majority will come from pub. they will get to the top. They will use unlocks and it wont matter if you are here or not.

Quoted from Sketch


yes they are if you are not using cl2! another person becomes enlightened to the whole point of thread!

you have faster gameplay in cl1 vs heavies, snipers,pyro’s etc BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE A NATURAL COUNTER!

Pyro and Heavy will remain massively annoying to play against regardless of CL1 or CL2. It’s not having to switch to a different class selection that annoys people.

How on earth is it the class limit 2 that results in the weapons breaking the current competitive format.

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