Recommended interp for high ping scout
Created 30th April 2011 @ 18:26
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Quoted from Fragga
I play at 160ms to 200ms
cl_cmdrate “101”
cl_interp “0.0152”
cl_interp_ratio “1”
cl_lagcompensation “1”
cl_pred_optimize “2”
cl_smooth “0”
cl_smoothtime “0.01”
cl_updaterate “101”
rate “100000”out of interest I find flick shots don’t register like they would on lower ping, so you’ll need to try and adjust your game and try to track more. Worst thing for me is the hitbox warping when touching the enemy, really forces me to play in a totally different way, but there doesn’t appear to be any settings to lessen this problem
101 is pointless as it’s been said the max is 66. Not sure why you’re disabling smoothing and then setting a smoothing time value, but smoothing could be kept on. I guess that just copy pasted from some other site :)
Last edited by AnAkkk,
Quoted from octochris
thank you, i needed a good post full of errors to make my day.
first off, TF2 is limited to 66 tick. you are introducing a needless overhead.
“cl_interp 0.01 OR 0.1 Your choice really”
lol at implying there is no difference.
and having stable 120fps will have absolutely FUCK ALL difference to the settings you just provided, since {cmd,update}rate are capped at 66.
Np Chris :)
Quoted from TviQ
Np Chris :)
But it wasn’t you that posted…
I’m confused.
Quoted from konr
[…]But it wasn’t you that posted…
I’m confused.
Yes he did?
Also, you got post id 299999 :o
cl_cmdrate “16″
cl_interp “0.0056″
cl_interp_ratio “1″
cl_lagcompensation “1″
cl_pred_optimize “2″
cl_smooth “0″
cl_smoothtime “0.00″
cl_updaterate “10″
rate “66000″
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