
TF2 crash\hang on quit quick fix

Created 17th January 2009 @ 15:58

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(Toucan Ambassador)

I know a lot of people who use mat_queue_mode 2 have a problem where TF2 won’t quit successfully unless you set it back to -1 before you quit.

So I came up with a little fix inspired by KluniQ’s GUI!

Add this line to your autoexec.cfg

alias dualquit “mat_queue_mode -1 ; wait 600 ; quit”

Then extract this GameMenu.res to your Team Fortress 2 directory.

Now when you click quit there will be a slight pause to give the game time to disable the multiple threads, and it should then quit successfully.

You’ll want to have mat_queue_mode 2 some where in your autoexec.cfg so it starts on. :)

I’ve only tested this with 2 other people, but so far no complaints!



Nice :)


RaWr ::

Nice and thanks you’ve just saved my quit rage! :D



Nice 1 although I’ve never suffered from this you put a funny image in my head of someone trying to rage quit but not being able to actually quit :P



cant even use mqm 2 without the game crashing at a laggy/intensive occasion ingame. So if 4 ppl come around the corner and fire some rockets, it fucks up.


same as waebi here :/


glad that i don’t need mat_quemode 2, but for those who need it its really nice! :)

good thinking ;)



I tried this and all that happens is tf2 quits when I try to join a server?



toasty I think its safe to say that pixies have indeed invaded your hard drive.


(Toucan Ambassador)

perhaps you put a call to the dualquit alias in your config, so when you join it tries to quit? D:



Its not when I join a server actually it just quits straight after it gets to the menu (I’m guessing after 600) :D

I deleted the line in my cfg and now the quit button doesn’t work (lol). Can you tell me what files I need to delete to get the quit button to work?


(Toucan Ambassador)

lol just delete


and it should revert to normal


Lapinou Team

Waebi, I used to have the same crash problem on servers like the servers (up to 32 players and instant spawn ) when running dxlevel 80 in the launch parameters, now i just use dxlevel 90 and its fine. Maybe give it a go ?

And thanks for that quit fix, quite handy !


Why not just bind a button to the dualquit alias?


When I use mqm2 and -windowed -noborder, my game is just so laggy altho I have good pings and fps about 80. When I use mqm -1 without -windowed and -noborder ofc, I have fps about 70 wich is good ofc but I’d rather use windowed mode.

Cant this be solved?
fast Alt+tabbing ftw :)

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