Ways to improve prediction and aim?
Created 11th March 2011 @ 21:29
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Hi, im not sure if im posting in the right section of the forums, but something is buggin me.
I’ll start introducing myself.
Im fom Brazil, im 18, and i’ve been playing Team Fortress 2 for about 1 year and 5 months.
Since i became addicted for it, i chose my main class : Soldier.
As i did it, things became more cleary since i raised my skills.
Time passed, and i got better, and now im near to reach the top soldiers of the Latin American league. Beneath them, i get really raped by them in 1v1 situations, such as in MGE and normal gameplay..
1 thing crashed for now:
I can’t raise my prediction and aim, since im missing ridiculous things like shotgun fights vs scouts and not being able to kill strafers and shit.
MGE helped a lot, but since it’s 1v1, i don’t think it will help in the middle of a game, since it has more 11 players with you.
What should i try now?
I’ve heard a lot about things like tr_walkway and tr_aim, but i never really tried any.
Should i try something diferent or things like this will come up with pratice and time?
Please disregard any grammar errors, or meaningless sentences.
Last edited by sovietdrunk,
Practice :)
It’ll come when the time pasts man
Last edited by sno,
well if im totally honest you need to play more public play, there is a wide variety of skill most are shit but they can still help with the prediction, if you want aim mge is helpful if you get owned by them try a lobby or try get a mix. i’ve noticed with walkway the hitboxes are slightly off, headshots could where they shouldnt etc. also maybe you’ve played to much to often, i find that when i play to much i start playing really shit, have a break for a day or 2 and you’ll be back to how you were also shotgun the scouts when you’ve juggled them, its very unlikely you’ll beat a scout with the shotgun
Last edited by Bonkers,
Quoted from sovietdrunk
Hi, im not sure if im posting in the right section of the forums, but something is buggin me.
I’ll start introducing myself.
Im fom Brazil, im 18, and i’ve been playing Team Fortress 2 for about 1 year and 5 months.
Since i became addicted for it, i chose my main class : Soldier.
As i did it, things became more cleary since i raised my skills.
Time passed, and i got better, and now im near to reach the top soldiers of the Latin American league. Beneath them, i get really raped by them in 1v1 situations, such as in MGE and normal gameplay..
1 thing crashed for now:
I can’t raise my prediction and aim, since im missing ridiculous things like shotgun fights vs scouts and not being able to kill strafers and shit.
MGE helped a lot, but since it’s 1v1, i don’t think it will help in the middle of a game, since it has more 11 players with you.
What should i try now?
I’ve heard a lot about things like tr_walkway and tr_aim, but i never really tried any.
Should i try something diferent or things like this will come up with pratice and time?Please disregard any grammar errors, or meaningless sentences.
Myself having the best aim in the european TF2 scene and having the highest rating in, I think my opinion is important, when I was getting good I played loads of on deathmatch servers, they’re better than MGE and especially so if you have a “pro dm” server, have you got any of them in brazil?
Last edited by Mike,
Quoted from Forsak3n
dm & lowering mouse sensitivity.
don’t change your sensitivity :)
I’ve been playing with the same sensitivity for getting close to 2 years now
Quoted from Mike
don’t change your sensitivity :)
I’ve been playing with the same sensitivity for getting close to 2 years now
And what’s your mouse sensitivity ?
Quoted from Forsak3n
And what’s your mouse sensitivity ?
im a fanboy, last i knew it was 4.5 – clarified is on 800dpi 4.5 ingame sense
Last edited by Bonkers,
Quoted from Bonkers
im a fanboy, last i knew it was 4.5 – clarified is on 800dpi 4.5 ingame sense
what about cm/360 ?
sorry for offtopic
question to mike: can i have a good aim if im playing with mouse accel?
Quoted from quik
sorry for offtopic
question to mike: can i have a good aim if im playing with mouse accel?
mouse accel is the most retarded thing ever, Tapley uses it, enough said
Last edited by Mike,
Quoted from Mike
about that
I am playing @ 17.7cm/360 and I feel that my mouse is rather skidding.
And I am using R Abyssus with ss qck+, trying to setup sensitivity lower for reducing the skidding feeling.
Last edited by Forsak3n,
Quoted from Mike
why no… many quake pros play with accel… just takes huge ammont of time to do it properly in tf2 tho
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