Main menu icon help
Created 7th March 2011 @ 14:52
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So I was updating my main menu again and currently it looks like this (the purple box is fixed, looks a bit messy due to the missing icons)
I tried to assign different self-made custom icons for different maps and found the directory where the custom icons have to be placed (.../tf/materials/vgui
) and the part I have to edit in the mainmenuoverride.res:
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "SubImage"
"xpos" "4"
"ypos" "4"
"zpos" "1"
"wide" "12"
"tall" "12"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"image" "ico_waiting1" <====
"scaleImage" "1"
I created 64×64 px .tga files and named them "ico_badlands" and so on.
With VTFEdit I created .vtf and .vmt files, placed them in the vgui dir and edited the mainmenuoverride.res but for some reason, the icons are not shown in the main menu.
Do I have to pay attention to special color codes for the .tga or settings when I import the .tga file as .vtf?
Last edited by CanFo,
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