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I can't handle my lag

Created 6th March 2011 @ 19:01

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Hello everyone!

I don’t know if this has been asked before, but I have serious problems with my ping. I tried speedtest.net and it showed me, that I have 40 ping for Germany, although when I go to the n1ce-servers DM I have 120. And this does not only apply for the DM, but everything. Is getting a new internet the only solution?

Thanks in advance


I sometimes get over 100 ping to any UK server all of a sudden, only to return to normal in a day or two. Dunno what’s wrong…Did you always had this high ping to DE servers?


I hope u dont play wireless ? Ifso. Get an Cable al.

there can be alot of things, what will give u some lag.
Sharing internet. ( people are on the web. Facebook,Twitter,Hyves, MSN, Youtube) these site can give some huge lag.

Your region: In the part of the city i live. 10 mbs is the max speed i can get.
1 KM of my house, People get 1GBs (fiberglass)

Router: Reset your router to factory settings ( maybe an settings is broken)
An old router can also give some trouble ( Ive got this problem 2 times)
Wireless signal is to low. u will get some lag

Im playing wireless cuz i dont have the space ATM, to get an cable.
Ping 43 on UK servers 35 on DE servers 25 on Dutch servers.
Every few seconds i will have some choke . Ping rise up too 100


BS. Wireless give you 2ms more ping at most. You would only really notice if your ping is around 20ms anyway.

Just sounds like bad routing to me. Saw some finnish dudes that had problem with the FB server routing yesterday and so we played on another dutch server.



Quoted from pykow

Every few seconds i will have some choke . Ping rise up too 100

Getting choke is almost certainly NOT related to using wireless.

Quoted from Waster

BS. Wireless give you 2ms more ping at most. You would only really notice if your ping is around 20ms anyway.

Yes, but ping is not the major problem caused by using wireless ;)

Last edited by octochris,

Spike Himself


What Chris said; wireless is as reliable for gaming as sending an alzheimer patient to the grocery store without a shopping list.



Hmmm… strange. Reinstalled TF2 twice and now it’s working. Anyway thanks everyone for the great help!



Quoted from Spike Himself

What Chris said; wireless is as reliable for gaming as sending an alzheimer patient to the grocery store without a shopping list.

but what about my wireless Killer xeno pro! trololol.



http://pingtest.net/ for ping. :>



can we all have donations to my exchange so they can upgrade it from 512 kbs to something modern ty


Last edited by Edd,


Quoted from Edd

can we all have donations to my exchange so they can upgrade it from 512 kbs to something modern ty


Except those tests mean shit, bullshit I’ve got 3 mbps :(((((((


Quoted from Wabbeh


Except those tests mean shit, bullshit I’ve got 3 mbps :(((((((

why do u think u have 3mbps, is it the minimum speed thats in ur contract? or maximum?


Quoted from AnimaL

[…]why do u think u have 3mbps, is it the minimum speed thats in ur contract? or maximum?

Contract says 8mb (I think)
Speedtest says 3mb
Realistically 100-200kb/s, maybe more, maybe less, depends on what I’m downloading, and what my brothers are doing (also wireless internet ((((( )
Is there a guaranteed speed? idk.


Quoted from Wabbeh


Contract says 8mb (I think)
Speedtest says 3mb
Realistically 100-200kb/s, maybe more, maybe less, depends on what I’m downloading, and what my brothers are doing (also wireless internet ((((( )
Is there a guaranteed speed? idk.

? u do realise 3mbit isnt 3MB/s its 375kB/s minus the overhead and ull get barely above 300kB/s

Last edited by AnimaL,

To test your network connection and find the bottleneck which causes the high ping download WinMTR from http://winmtr.net/ and ping some game servers for at least 5 minutes. Then put the output here and we can tell you whats the reason for your high ping if it’s related to your network connection / isp.



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