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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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It’s the ctf_turbine cup this week. Lots of 1-round logs as here: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198054518843

Apparently it’s meant to look like that after 5 caps. So just one more reason ctf is stupid.

Last edited by fraac,



Golden Caps produce a log of their own as well, no wonder 5cp maps are aids.



Will the same rules be used in the season? Hundreds of 7 minute games.



Yes, same rules will be used. Sorry to inconvenience your log checking activities.



I just compile them, it’s everyone else who has to read them.


Quoted from fraac

It’s the ctf_turbine cup this week. Lots of 1-round logs as here: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198054518843

Apparently it’s meant to look like that after 5 caps. So just one more reason ctf is stupid.

Well, yes, as long as tournament mode stops, the log should be uploaded. Considering the ctf rules aren’t properly implemented within tournament mode, I doubt I can do much about it :/



TFTrue is crashing my server (NFO) on start-up since last nights TF2 update. Is anyone else having this problem?



Quoted from Chris

TFTrue is crashing my server (NFO) on start-up since last nights TF2 update. Is anyone else having this problem?

Yea, unfortunately, Valve made change on the plugin_load cvar so, TFTrue needs some fixing. Also, it does crash only on Windows(atleast for me). The linux servers updated and are working just fine.. :/ Sent to anakin some logs/crash errors, hope he will have the time to fix this tonight!


Quoted from LaMqTa


Yea, unfortunately, Valve made change on the plugin_load cvar so, TFTrue needs some fixing. Also, it does crash only on Windows(atleast for me). The linux servers updated and are working just fine.. :/ Sent to anakin some logs/crash errors, hope he will have the time to fix this tonight!

The plugin_load change is stupid, but I doubt it’s related. No idea what they’ve done, but it looks like it’ll take some time to fix.

[TFTrue] Error code 820
Error code 16
Error Code 18
Error Code 19
Error Code 22
Error Code 23
Error Code 24
Error Code 25
Error Code 26
Error Code 27
Error Code 28
Error Code 29
Error Code 30
Error Code 31
Error Code 33

Last edited by AnAkkk,


4.5 ( May 17, 2014 )
– Added tftrue_whitelist_id to set a whitelist from whitelist.tf
– The restriction on plugin_load added by the last TF2 update will be automatically removed for the auto updater to work correctly
– Fixed crashes after last TF2 update (hopefully)

Thanks to Valve and their stupid plugin_load change, you’ll need to restart your server twice for the update to work. I hope you’ll be able to get the update automatically on Windows, but it isn’t sure considering the old version would make the server crash, so you might need to redownload it manually.


Quoted from AnAkkk

Thanks to Valve and their stupid plugin_load change, you’ll need to restart your server twice for the update to work.

Everytime you update or just this time?



– Added tftrue_whitelist_id to set a whitelist from whitelist.tf

:D Best Feature

Just change the ID to the whitelist ID that is listed when generating a whitelist on whitelist.tf and the file is downloaded and executed immediately!

Generate a new one with different unlocks, change the ID with rcon => whitelist changed and has the most up to date version of the item scheme.


Quoted from Kaneco


Everytime you update or just this time?

Just this time, considering my plugin_load fix works fine :)


Update (4.51):
– Fixed another crash on Windows



Are medic healing numbers going weirdly high lately? I noticed it in a lobby where both meds got > 1000 hpm. Or like this: http://logs.tf/278758

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