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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Quoted from AnAkkk

– A new log will automatically be created after one has been uploaded, it prevents mixing two logs in case the map doesn’t change between 2 matches




Quoted from AnAkkk

Update (4.11)
– sv_logsdir should now work with log uploading
– A new log will automatically be created after one has been uploaded, it prevents mixing two logs in case the map doesn’t change between 2 matches

<3 <3 <3 thanks!


Quoted from AnAkkk

Update (4.11)
– sv_logsdir should now work with log uploading
– A new log will automatically be created after one has been uploaded, it prevents mixing two logs in case the map doesn’t change between 2 matches

Perfect! Thanks alot



I am not completely sure, but when using secure mod it doesn’t allow to use cl_interp_ratio other than 1, when in the current league config it might be set from 1 to 5.



Quoted from Spice

I am not completely sure, but when using secure mod it doesn’t allow to use cl_interp_ratio other than 1, when in the current league config it might be set from 1 to 5.

Yes, exactly the reason why I don’t use secure mode, it doesn’t enforce the same settings as the league config does.


Logs upload worked 2 days ago, i reinstalled tftrue and the upload doesn’t work anymore…

It says : [TFTrue] Failed to upload log to logs.tf : Invalid log file

I deleted the prefix, i tried things, and i deleted my tf/logs file and did sv_logsdir logs. Now it says :

[TFTrue] Failed to upload log to logs.tf : 26

logs are enable and the key api is correct.
Did i messed up something or did i forgot one little thing ?

btw the servers was crashing alot when using the plugin a month ago or so.
Now it crashes rarely, but it still does. It’s a linux server.



Does uploading the same log file manually give you the same error ? Because I wasted 30 minutes a few weeks ago looking at a similar error. The only problem was that logs.tf requires that the uploaded log file’s size to be more than 50kb, so short test rounds alone were not enough.



using serveme.tf as it use tftrue i noticed alot of times it failed to upload logs. just get the error failed to upload logs, it works sometimes and sometimes not so it seems really random

Last edited by maidos,


Quoted from Spice

I am not completely sure, but when using secure mod it doesn’t allow to use cl_interp_ratio other than 1, when in the current league config it might be set from 1 to 5.

Quoted from ondkaja


Yes, exactly the reason why I don’t use secure mode, it doesn’t enforce the same settings as the league config does.

cl_interp_ratio higher than 1 is pretty much useless, but I’ll change that anyway.

Quoted from Hammer

Logs upload worked 2 days ago, i reinstalled tftrue and the upload doesn’t work anymore…

It says : [TFTrue] Failed to upload log to logs.tf : Invalid log file

I deleted the prefix, i tried things, and i deleted my tf/logs file and did sv_logsdir logs. Now it says :

[TFTrue] Failed to upload log to logs.tf : 26

logs are enable and the key api is correct.
Did i messed up something or did i forgot one little thing ?

btw the servers was crashing alot when using the plugin a month ago or so.
Now it crashes rarely, but it still does. It’s a linux server.

I doubt your first error is exactly worded this way. This wasn’t a copy paste, was it? Anyway the “Invalid log file” error is reported by logs.tf website, I guess you’ll have to see with the admin why your log isn’t uploading. Possible causes used to be the log being too small (< 50 KB), or if no teams have won a single round on the map.
(EDIT: noticed later that kustom3 already said that :) )

Error 26 doesn't tell a lot, but it looks like this is either a problem from the website or a problem reading from the logfile to upload it. Can you find the logfile under your logs folder when you get this error?

If you have crash dumps I'd be happy to look at them. Do you have SSH access to the server ?

Quoted from maidos

using serveme.tf as it use tftrue i noticed alot of times it failed to upload logs. just get the error failed to upload logs, it works sometimes and sometimes not so it seems really random

There are many reasons why the log file might fail to upload. I’ll need the correct error if you want to know why, but as I said above, if it’s “Invalid log file”, you’ll need to ask logs.tf admin.

Last edited by AnAkkk,


ist doof

Quoted from AnAkkk

cl_interp_ratio higher than 1 is pretty much useless, but I’ll change that anyway.

It’s not, some people (like me) use cl_interp 0 with cl_interp_ratio 1 on soldier and cl_interp_ratio 2 on scout for example.

By the way, can you remove the “warning” that TFTrue is running in insecure mode please? It is not insecure as it lets you make sure you use the right league config. Your “secure” mode is the insecure one, because it is intransparent which settings are locked to which values and it disallows you from loading specific league settings that are different from the ones TFTrue sets. I mean yes, you can’t change values mid-game but I doubt you could do that without someone noticing anyway. In my opinion, tftrue_tournament_insecure 1 should be default for the reason I explained above. Same for tftrue_tournament_mapconditions 0.

Also, why is tftrue_no_hats 1 default?

I appreciate your work, TFTrue is really great. Can’t imagine running our server without it. I don’t understand your reasoning behind the secure/insecure mode though.

Last edited by feeling,



Quoted from feeling

[…] because it is intransparent which settings are locked to which values

Executing tftrue_tournament_insecure 0 in insecure mode will output the settings to be locked and their values. But nevertheless I would also like to see the “insecure mode” as the default and not as the exception marked by a huge error messages.

Last edited by Sash,


Quoted from AnAkkk

I doubt your first error is exactly worded this way. This wasn’t a copy paste, was it? Anyway the “Invalid log file” error is reported by logs.tf website, I guess you’ll have to see with the admin why your log isn’t uploading. Possible causes used to be the log being too small (< 50 KB), or if no teams have won a single round on the map.
(EDIT: noticed later that kustom3 already said that :) )

Error 26 doesn't tell a lot, but it looks like this is either a problem from the website or a problem reading from the logfile to upload it. Can you find the logfile under your logs folder when you get this error?

The message was exactly [TFTrue] Failed to upload the log: Invalid log file, it wasn't a copy/paste but it was the exact message.
It's definitely because i just tested with 1 round so the logs were <50KB, i'll tell you if an error occurs again.

Quoted from AnAkkk

If you have crash dumps I'd be happy to look at them. Do you have SSH access to the server ?

I don't know what SSH access is.
The server always crashes when there is a few (4+) people on the server.

There's a message i found when the server was crashing a month ago :

L 08/30/2013 – 21:46:33: [SM] Warning encountered parsing languages.cfg file.
L 08/30/2013 – 21:46:33: [SM] Invalid language code "pt_p" is being ignored.


Quoted from feeling

It’s not, some people (like me) use cl_interp 0 with cl_interp_ratio 1 on soldier and cl_interp_ratio 2 on scout for example.

By the way, can you remove the “warning” that TFTrue is running in insecure mode please? It is not insecure as it lets you make sure you use the right league config. Your “secure” mode is the insecure one, because it is intransparent which settings are locked to which values and it disallows you from loading specific league settings that are different from the ones TFTrue sets. I mean yes, you can’t change values mid-game but I doubt you could do that without someone noticing anyway. In my opinion, tftrue_tournament_insecure 1 should be default for the reason I explained above. Same for tftrue_tournament_mapconditions 0.

Also, why is tftrue_no_hats 1 default?

I appreciate your work, TFTrue is really great. Can’t imagine running our server without it. I don’t understand your reasoning behind the secure/insecure mode though.

I meant you could just do the same with cl_interp, but it’s true it might be easier to use it this way.

The whole point of the secure mode was to enforce the correct league config, so the team owning the server wouldn’t possibly be taking advantages of some cvars values they modified, without the other team being aware of that. There are a lot of stuff you can change that the other team wouldn’t notice, and give you a great advantage. As the leagues don’t really care/want to enforce it though, it doesn’t really serve that purpose much.
It is pretty much useful as you shouldn’t need to exec the league config if it is enabled, some people use it as a replacement of the etf2l cfg for example.

tftrue_no_hats is default to 1 for no real reason, it was just the value I picked when I originally released the feature.

Quoted from Hammer


The message was exactly [TFTrue] Failed to upload the log: Invalid log file, it wasn't a copy/paste but it was the exact message.
It's definitely because i just tested with 1 round so the logs were <50KB, i'll tell you if an error occurs again.


I don't know what SSH access is.
The server always crashes when there is a few (4+) people on the server.

There's a message i found when the server was crashing a month ago :

L 08/30/2013 – 21:46:33: [SM] Warning encountered parsing languages.cfg file.
L 08/30/2013 – 21:46:33: [SM] Invalid language code "pt_p" is being ignored.

It may crashes due to other plugins you have. I guess you’re renting a server from a GSP, so it will probably not be easy to get crash dumps, but you can add me on Steam and we’ll see :)


Quoted from AnAkkk

It may crashes due to other plugins you have. I guess you’re renting a server from a GSP, so it will probably not be easy to get crash dumps, but you can add me on Steam and we’ll see :)

It’s when i has sourcemod, i did a mistake, it doesn’t crash anymore.
Thanks anyways.


f_blue: I’m working on a new cvar which automatically download the league configs and exec the correct one depending of the game mode.
It’s looking good so far:

tftrue_tournament_config 1
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_6v6.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_9v9.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_6v6_5cp.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_6v6_ctf.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_6v6_koth.cfg
[TFTrue] Successfully downloaded http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_6v6_stopwatch.cfg

Some cvars I had in the “secure mode” are missing from the ETF2L configs though, so it might be nice if ETF2L can add them before I remove it. Mostly STV settings and some rates values.

Last edited by AnAkkk,

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