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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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– Compatibility with the SteamPipe update



Quoted from AnAkkk

– Compatibility with the SteamPipe update

Has this been released then for team fortress 2? I thought it was only for the beta?



Quoted from Brainmaster


Has this been released then for team fortress 2? I thought it was only for the beta?

I think it means its likely to go live soon, probably the next few days maybe.

Or Anakin is just being super prepared!

Last edited by Enef,


Quoted from Enef


I think it means its likely to go live soon, probably the next few days maybe.

Or Anakin is just being super prepared!


(probably not the next few days though, more like weeks)



Quoted from AnAkkk



(probably not the next few days though, more like weeks)

Oke thnx! :)


– Fixed for SteamPipe again after the last TF2 Beta update



Is it possible to add an option that make impossible the end round kills ? It would be nice for the logs, and for the killstreaks in prec.


\V/ Gold

tf2logs as well as logs.tf do not track statistics after round ends afaik.


(ETF2L Donator)

Hey Anakin, I didn’t catch you on IRC, any chance you could only force a mapchange when tv_enable gets set to 1? disabling stv doesn’t require a restart.

My favourite Server Reservation System could use that: http://etf2l.org/forum/community/topic-23191/page-10/?recent=437324#post-437324


Quoted from slate

Hey Anakin, I didn’t catch you on IRC, any chance you could only force a mapchange when tv_enable gets set to 1? disabling stv doesn’t require a restart.

My favourite Server Reservation System could use that: http://etf2l.org/forum/community/topic-23191/page-10/?recent=437324#post-437324

TFTrue only restarts the map when enabling the STV. It doesn’t when you disable it.



Quoted from AnAkkk


TFTrue only restarts the map when enabling the STV. It doesn’t when you disable it.

Thanks, I had tv_enable 1 in server.cfg and tv_enable 0 or 1 in reservation.cfg. Combined with the auto-reload on enabling STV this caused a reload loop.
Removing the tv_enable 1 in server.cfg fixed it.


3.9 ( April 1, 2013 )
– Added tftrue_logs_apikey to set the API key for uploading logs to logs.tf (requires mp_tournament). It will automatically “flush” the log before upload, so any content that is still in memory will be wrote to the log
– Fixed a bug with the new item code which caused the whitelist to not be generated correctly
– More support for the upcoming SteamPipe update
– Minor bug fixes

There was a bug in the last windows version of the plugin which cause the DLL to be reloaded in an infinite loop while being autoupdated (thanks to Microsoft). To work around that, the server *should* restart after the update, or may shutdown if your server doesn’t have restarting enabled. It should work fine after a restart.

This is not an April fool!

Last edited by AnAkkk,



– Added tftrue_logs_apikey to set the API key for uploading logs to logs.tf (requires mp_tournament). It will automatically “flush” the log before upload, so any content that is still in memory will be wrote to the log

<3 <3 <3



Feature suggestion:
– If you reconnect to the server during a match, keep your scoreboard score


Quoted from F2

Feature suggestion:
– If you reconnect to the server during a match, keep your scoreboard score

there already is a sourcemod plugin that does this, but yea, having it in tftrue would only make sense

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