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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Quoted from AnAkkk

– Changed tftrue_unlockable_weapons 3 to match ETF2L unlock rules

edit: nice

Last edited by AnimaL,


need the original and escape plan in option 3 of unlockable. (i didn t check others like pain train or BB)

Last edited by kna,


Escape Plan is already allowed. The Original isn’t allowed in ETF2L though?



Quoted from AnAkkk

Escape Plan is already allowed. The Original isn’t allowed in ETF2L though?

The S13 rules say it’s allowed: http://etf2l.org/rules/season-13-rules/ (at the very bottom)

I’m fairly sure this rule will also apply to season 14. ;)


Quoted from AnAkkk

Escape Plan is already allowed. The Original isn’t allowed in ETF2L though?

its a reskin, all the reskins are allowed.. including pan, fish and others


3.8 ( February 1, 2013 )
– Rewrote the item code (tftrue_unlockable_weapons, tftrue_no_hats, tftrue_no_misc), it will now generate an item_whitelist file and set mp_tournament_whitelist to this whitelist
– New feature: mp_tournament_whitelist now works with mp_tournament 0
– Changing mp_tournament_whitelist will automatically reload the whitelist without requiring mp_tournament_restart
– Fixed a crash with tftrue_scope_hsdelay
– Reduced the size of the module on linux

Due to the rewrote of the item code, the plugin should be a lot less likely to break with updates.

Last edited by AnAkkk,


Quoted from AnAkkk

New feature: mp_tournament_whitelist now works with mp_tournament 0

Many thanks for this!

<3 :)



Where to change tftrue_no_hat ?


Quoted from Xaah_

Where to change tftrue_no_hat ?

It’s tftrue_no_hats, and you can change it through rcon or set it in server.cfg.





I’m thinking of installing this on our server for the TF2logs support.

Is there anything I have to do to configure it, or is it as simple as installing the TFTrue file(s) and the logs will be automatically generated which I can then get off the server over FTP?


you might want to check http://tftrue.redline-utilities.net/

it has hats disabled by default, so you might want enable them with tftrue_no_hats 0

other ones are minor things, but worth making sure doesn’t interfere with your settings


Ok I’ve installed it onto our server, but every time the server gets restarted the CVars reset to the defaults. Is this a bug or intentional?


\V/ Gold

if you want settings that differ from default, put them in your server.cfg.


Quoted from nTraum

if you want settings that differ from default, put them in your server.cfg.

Thanks :D

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