Main Calling general?
Created 4th March 2011 @ 02:45
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Hi, I posted this in another thread, but I think I’ll start a new one instead. Hopefully this can be of help to new team leaders starting in Season 9. So:
Main calling is something I’m really trying to improve, so I’m looking for all the tips I can get. I feel like I’m improving to some degree. My team is very vocal and comms are very messy at the moment. Sometimes it works very well, but sometimes it’s difficult to make organised calls and pushes. I play medic, so I have all the “general medic” calls down (uber %, etc.)
What kind of calls should I be making and when? How can my team keep comms clean and effective?
I’m sure a lot of it comes simply down to experience, but any other replies are welcomed.
Ok, thanks.
one thing you really need to sort imo first, get rid of messy coms. Clear information are the very important for you as main caller. With that being sorted you’ll see yourself improving as maincaller as well
First of all, start using your tab like literally all the time. Tab (scoreboard) gives you so much information. Learning to use it properly allows you to weigh up whats the best option in a given situation.
Secondly, try to make sure you know a rough value for your enemies uber, and play around that. I like aggression so personally if you have a signifacant player advantage but no uber advantage, it’s alawys nice to push.
Don’t spam bullshit, try to micro your players as least as possible and tell them when they do something wrong afterwards; keeps comms clean and lets them learn themselves so they can micro themselves.
Dats bout it. Experience is key.
If you want any examples of what NOT to do, watch admirable. He makes calls to spawncamp (that fail), to uber scouts with no backup (that fail) and calls to hold point A and B on gravelpit simultaneously. He is the perfect example of what NOT to do as a calling medic.
Last edited by GibbZ,
Quoted from Ritalin
Hi, I posted this in another thread, but I think I’ll start a new one instead. Hopefully this can be of help to new team leaders starting in Season 9. So:
Main calling is something I’m really trying to improve, so I’m looking for all the tips I can get. I feel like I’m improving to some degree. My team is very vocal and comms are very messy at the moment. Sometimes it works very well, but sometimes it’s difficult to make organised calls and pushes. I play medic, so I have all the “general medic” calls down (uber %, etc.)
What kind of calls should I be making and when? How can my team keep comms clean and effective?
I’m sure a lot of it comes simply down to experience, but any other replies are welcomed.
Ok, thanks.
Try to get the comms clear, if some are starting to fight over some silly situation just break it and move on. Keep comms simple and clear, don’t make fast huge game changes in between fights, as some have hard time to even hear what you call while they +w +mouse1. If you’ve watched some strats before hand and they dont work, state strat changes early what you want everyone to do and when. Don’t point out single inviduals when something fails, next time before push/def point it out common way that “don’t try to do this and this in between this as it doesnt seem to work”.
And most important thing of all, stand behind your calls, dont change them all the time like “push no no no no no wait well just push but nonononono”. Iif you call pushing and dont push always remember to call that you’re not pushing and same if you’re retreating.
Don’t press talk while you rage and shout, if you have a criticism or a complaint or any comment about a previous push and you are dead. Write it in team chat instead of trying to talk over everyone in your team who might well still be trying to make the push work.
Set tactics and pushes help to make cleaner comms
There are some videos on mge with top teams mumble comms synced to a demo as well if you have access to that
Quoted from CommanderX
There are some videos on mge with top teams mumble comms synced to a demo as well if you have access to that
yay free stuff
You say there are lots of comms in your team. Are you sure people arent raging or talking about their girlfriend? If everybody just sticks to game calls it shouldnt be messy.
Second, there is no such thing as main calling. There is a huge misconception that one player can have all the brains of the rest of the players together. It makes the rest of the players like robots who are only following orders. I think individual judgement is really important and everyone should just call the usual stuff. Medic calls he has x% uber, soldier calls he is low, demoman calls he is out of ammo, scout calls he is flanking etc.
About pushing. Its just the one who best understands the situation and sees an opening or has a creative solution to the situation that makes the call. I dont particularly like to push from Z granary. But when time is running out and i know they are a bit distracted and have their backs to that opening its a good time to push from Z. But if you wait only one second, they have dealt with the distraction or have uber. If you only got one main caller then its likely that you miss that oppurtunity because he is not in the right position or reacts to slowly.
Last edited by Waster,
– know all your tactics by heart! make sure your team does aswell
– make clear and quick calls -> make sure the persons involved know about it -> macromanagement
– you need to learn to do calls and “fight” at the same time -> micromanagement
– keep track of the (dis)advantage of your ubercharge
– always try to work out the best counter against your opponent
– when theres some time to breath, inform your players about details that went good/wrong
– rage in general is not good, but sometimes also necessary as a “wake up call”
Quoted from GibbZ
If you want any examples of what NOT to do, watch admirable. He makes calls to spawncamp (that fail), to uber scouts with no backup (that fail) and calls to hold point A and B on gravelpit simultaneously. He is the perfect example of what NOT to do as a calling medic.
Quoted from GibbZ
First of all, start using your tab like literally all the time. Tab (scoreboard) gives you so much information. Learning to use it properly allows you to weigh up whats the best option in a given situation.
This, and if you don’t do that, I’ll proper rage at you at LAN…
Make sure people check, if they attack the medic, if he has kritz or normal uber.
If the medic hits you with his ubersaw, tell it to your team, don’t be ashamed.
Try calling in a fight, not after you’re death or after you killed him. Most of the time people can help you out.
Call before you switch to spy/sniper/heavy/pyro. I still see it happening that a team walks out of the spawn with two snipers.
Last edited by Qun,
1. Find a team way better than you where everybody has gamesense
2. no main calling needed
3. ?????
Quoted from mvp.
– rage in general is not good, but sometimes also necessary as a “wake up call”
lol’ed :D
– It was said before but it’s very important that you as a medic have the overview. This can be done by good calls of your team mates and the SCOREBOARD. I normally look into the scoreboard every 5-10 seconds or so ;-)
– Dont push when you’re 2 guys low, even with uber advantage
– Dont push with no scouts
– Tell who should cover the flanks on pushes (you can see in the scoreboard whos dead)
– Push straight forward when the enemy demoman is down
etc. etc. This and a lot more can be seen in the scoreboard. In my experience the medic is the only one who uses the scoreboard regulary so thats very important to do. Additionally force your mates to look into the scoreboard when they are dead and call everything like “we are one low, 4 against 2, 2 against 4, puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush,”.
All I do is call the tactic and route on mid, and if their soldiers are bombing, I tell our demo to stay passive and sticky up our train. A good example of maincalling is when you use uber on gully mid and win it, and the enemies have backed out and have uber ready. Then you tell your demo to do some pipe spam to choke and when they pop it you all just run away from mid. And when you’ve got uber again you push back in with the advantage.
Also, yelling PERKELE always helps.
Scoreboard is a friend.
Last edited by happy little boozer,
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