Best way to change TF2 gfx from good to bad?
Created 13th February 2011 @ 14:14
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Hi, what is the best way to switch between lowfps gfx with dx8 to high gfx with dx98?
Is it possible to have 2 shortcuts of TF2 launching different graphics but the same config?
I’m asking this because in pub I like to play in full graphics but in 6v6 I like it in low graphics.
I could just use the mat_dxlevel stuff but I’d prefer to have 2 separate shortcuts for each graphic settings.
hmm have 2 steam accounts with TF2 on them ?
You could keep 1 really shit gfx and the other really high
I’m sure someone more intelligent will say something more useful :)
“steam://rungameid/440 -console -dxlevel 80 -windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -nojoy -noipx -novid”
“steam://rungameid/440 -console -dxlevel 98 -windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -nojoy -noipx -novid”
Didn’t try if that works, leave it up to you ;-)
Afaik you can not change the dxlevel ingame, You would have to restart the game for that.
Also, I do not know a startup parameter to execute a certain config but you could create a “pub_config.cfg” with high graphics and a “comp_config.cfg” with low graphics and bind both to a key?!
Aaaah, that’s what I was looking for thanks, Canfo.
But yeah a better way to exec the 2 different configs would be handy but I’d doubt that would be plausible.
You could create a toggle alias.
I am not that good at scripting but something like that might work:
alias changegfx "pubgfx"
alias pubgfx "exec pub.cfg; alias changegfx compgfx"
alias compgfx "exec comp.cfg; alias changegfx pubgfx"
bind "KEY" "changegfx"
If the game crashes, I built a loop :D
Thanks Chris, didn’t think of that.
This way if you hit KEY you will execute the pub settings, next time you will execute the comp settings. It always starts with executing the pub settings, afaik you can not “save” the last executed config from the last gamestart.
Last edited by CanFo,
Two shortcuts, one with +exec high.cfg and one with +exec low.cfg in the shortcut options.
Quoted from CanFo
Oh, and replace the “” in my code if you copypaste this.
You need to use the correct tag — [code].
what honeymustard is saying is that you can exec console commands in the startup params if you prefix them with a + instead of a –
so +exec high_quality.cfg etc
so having ““steam://rungameid/440 -console -dxlevel 98 -windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -nojoy -noipx -novid +exec highgfx.cfg” will work?
I will try it now, if it does, awesome.
steam://rungameid/440 -console -dxlevel 81 -windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -nojoy -noipx -novid +exec low.cfg
Using that doesn’t seem to exec the gfx configs, nor does it change the dxlevel. something I’m missing?
You can’t do it via a webdocument shortcut, it has to be an application shortcut and then append the parameters.
So for your example, it would be:-
Steam.exe -applaunch 440 -console -dxlevel 98 -windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -nojoy -noipx -novid +exec highgfx
How does one add new shortcut to tf2? (for different settings) I saw something like it here: but the information is over a year old and you have to download some files which are probably viruses or some shit.
Got it working now, thank you to everyone that helped :D
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