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New nice-servers dm server for Pro's only

Created 4th February 2011 @ 18:10

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Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

nice tripple

my phone freaked out, soz



wasn’t ket a pretty good medic? think that might have been why. I found his raging/calling people shit quite amusing.



I love ket-. He didn’t think I was total shit :D.



Quoted from Koeitje

I love ket-. He didn’t think I was total shit :D.

wow, and here i thought i was actually special. Guess he is a whore.



ket is a shit.


i recall a crossdresser picture of him, or was that just some lame joke? :D

Spike Himself


All this crying for nothing! It’s a dm server for div3+ and up. That doesn’t mean people in those divs won’t play on other servers anymore. It’s still only 8 slots (or 10, whatever).

I played on a dm server last night and I killed Zerox a few times.

(Forgot to screenshot though :<)


Quoted from rytis

my phone freaked out, soz

you read etf2l forum on phone, omg, get a life :D

just kidding, thx for answer. see you on pro dm server hopefully after s9. I’ll work my team like dogs just to play on it :D



Quoted from ih

you read etf2l forum on phone, omg, get a life :D

just kidding, thx for answer. see you on pro dm server hopefully after s9. I’ll work my team like dogs just to play on it :D

i’m so bored at school , I have nothing to do literally.
Well If I managed to jump from 6 to 3 div then see you there:D



join it, joske is on it.


Ket, Kodyl, EzuR and Fragga made the two pickup channels amazing!

Laugh a minute

Last edited by FADe,


sorry but health refill (and ammo refill to a lesser extent….) on dm servers is retarded

makes soldiers OP as hell

and this is coming from a soldier

Last edited by Hat,


RaWr ::

The server is a good idea.

No one likes to be excluded from anything, which is one of the main problems, and lower skilled players want to play with better skilled players so they can improve and up their game.

But not every higher skilled player wants to play against a majority of players who are far below their skill level. Even the high skilled players will want to improve, and for them to improve; using the same logic as above, they will need to play against higher skilled players than themselves.

What this is effectively doing, it allowing high(ish) skilled players to play against the best players, while allowing the best players to have fun playing against players who are only slightly below their skill level.

What would then be ideal would be to have 4 DM servers:

#1 High skill DM server. (Prem + 1 + 2)
#2 Mid skill DM server. (3 + 4 )
#3 Low skill DM server. (5 + 6)
#4 Any skill DM server. (xxxxx)

These each in turn would restrict the steam ID’s to players currently playing in ETF2L, based on their division, which would maybe get updated at the start and end of a season. The #4 server would just allow either any ETF2L registered player, or any player at all.

All sounds good, but someone actually would have to do it. Provide the servers and have them configured. That of course is entirely up to a server owner and EVEN THEN… I bet the servers would spend 99% of the year with 0 players in them.


i think theres enough separatism in etf2l as it is with divisions and high/mid+/mid/mid-/low+/low/low-, the dm server rules are fine but dont get too carried away with arranging the tf2 community into different categories.


RaWr ::

The whole point of this server though is that players are playing people of equal skill, making the game more enjoyable for everyone involved, and giving everyone an effective ‘warm up’ for the matches they have later.

While the low skill players want to play with the high skill players so that they improve, the high skill players won’t want to sit around all day and role over everyone, come into their match thinking they are well warmed up, and then get stomped because actually, the people who they were fighting couldn’t move properly. The high skill players simply won’t play there which in turn means those lower skilled players aren’t getting that benefit of practising against higher level players anyway…

If you have a Prem – div 2 server. Those div 2 and div 1 players get this magic ‘improvement time’. The prem players are happy because they are playing against good players. Everyone wins who are in those divisions listed above… So it is a good idea. If you can’t play there because you’re not in div 0, 1 or 2, then so what? It’s the same as them adding a password to the server and inviting a bunch of players around their skill level to have a ‘private’ game. No one would moan because all the prem players are playing in a passworded server… they are just complaining because they feel they are excluded.

This isn’t about excluding everyone else from the server, it is just about providing an environment that some players enjoy. Many times I’ve been on a public, completely stomping it up, and I’ve been asked to leave because a lot of the casual games are simply not enjoying it. They prefer to play against players at their own skill level.

This post might be a bit of a mess, because I moved stuff around in it. I’m sure you get the point though. On a side note, I just made a DM server, if anyone wants to play on it :)

10 slots + STV auto recording to catch hackers!!
RaWr Gaming – Death Match Server

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