TF2 Update - Granary changed to beta version
Created 3rd February 2011 @ 23:50
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Nothing really, we played a double mix on it after the update, nothing really different apart from running snipar after getting mid :D
Quoted from Jaskey
Nothing really, we played a double mix on it after the update, nothing really different apart from running snipar after getting mid :D
haha, enixe will like this then!
Quoted from Orv
Since the ground on RED side isn’t completely flat, you can do a double jump as scout straight onto the new platform from the ground. However this is not possible on the BLU side.
you can just jump from the planks next to the crate and make the platform on both sides anyway.
Quoted from Swarlz
Can anyone upload a screenshot? I have urge to see them and cbb to find source
Played a gather on it yesterday, have it say it’s a nice improvement. (Or it was just us pushing every time through that new hole:D)
Quoted from Spike Himself
dem nonsteams
i foresee lots of work :D
It hasn’t affected demos at all. If it’s that big of a deal, just use the old version of granary (copy it into your maps folder).
Quoted from Hat
‘fixed clipping’
in before all the gay spots i use dont work anymore
They haven’t changed any clipping as far as I could tell.
i like the granary changes
Quoted from Swarlz
looking forward to wasting my Friday night playing around with it tonight.
The fuck its the rugby.
does anyone feel like the slide doors are buggy? the amount of times i got stuck in the one on 2nd point or got slowed down doing the demoman rollout. or is it just me?
Quoted from rAye.
does anyone feel like the slide doors are buggy? the amount of times i got stuck in the one on 2nd point or got slowed down doing the demoman rollout. or is it just me?
Happens on every map + sometimes they stay open so you think theres someone hiding around the corner.
Quoted from JimmyB
Happens on every map + sometimes they stay open so you think theres someone hiding around the corner.
no it doesnt happen to me on everymap. its different to the open with no one there thingy, it will just refuse to open or i will just be stuck inside the gate. this sort of thing only really happened to me on custom maps
The granary and well doors are using another, slightly buggier method of checking door triggers than other maps. I’m not sure why they haven’t fixed this, it’s only a matter of changing two properties on each door.
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