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Scout Bind/config

Created 1st February 2011 @ 13:05

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Hey; could someone hook me up with a script that binds m1 to *switch to slot 1 + shoot + no viewmodel* and m2 to *switch to slot 2 + shoot + viewmodel*

I have been using this; but for some reason it doesnt work on my mate’s laptop, at least; the shooting part doesnt work. (it works fine on his other pc). Any help would be appreciated


alias +scat “slot1;-attack;+attack;r_drawviewmodel 0”
alias -scat “-attack”
bind “MOUSE1” “+scat”

alias +pist “slot2;-attack;+attack;r_drawviewmodel 1”
alias -pist “-attack”
bind “MOUSE2” “+pist”



scat and pist huh, sounds a bit like poo and pee.



I really hope you didn’t write that.

Why the fuck do you have -attack and +attack being executed simultaneously… jesus christ.


Quoted from octochris

I really hope you didn’t write that.

Why the fuck do you have -attack and +attack being executed simultaneously… jesus christ.

I assume incase it bugs and keeps attacking? Then again if you clicked and unclicked it’d disable it just the same. Nevermind.


UbeR |

Quoted from octochris

I really hope you didn’t write that.

Why the fuck do you have -attack and +attack being executed simultaneously… jesus christ.

Not everyone is as good as you are ;D


Quoted from octochris

I really hope you didn’t write that.

Why the fuck do you have -attack and +attack being executed simultaneously… jesus christ.


well thanks for the helpful responses; Im sure this will get it fixed, eh.
Oh wait; were u just bashing on it cause u dont know how to make it work? nevermind then.

Quoted from konr

[…]I assume incase it bugs and keeps attacking? Then again if you clicked and unclicked it’d disable it just the same

oh and this; it bugged for me if i didnt do it like this. yes just clicking would fix it; but do i enjoy having to think about that when im trying to kill stuff?

Last edited by Pynklùùùnningen,


Quoted from Pynklùùùnningen

well thanks for the helpful responses; Im sure this will get it fixed, eh.
Oh wait; were u just bashing on it cause u dont know how to make it work? nevermind then.

I had the same problem when I tried using this kind of thing again. Might be because he uses TF2mate?

Quoted from konr

[…]I had the same problem when I tried using this kind of thing again. Might be because he uses TF2mate?

never used tf2mate, nor did my mate.


easiest way to do it is to make 2 separate aliases for your crosshair and viewmodel.

for example:

alias “xhair_scatter” “cl_crosshair_scale 35;cl_crosshair_file crosshair7;cl_crosshair_red 0;cl_crosshair_green 255;cl_crosshair_blue 0”
alias “fov_scatter” “r_drawviewmodel 0”

and place these aliases in another one ( http://yoyodawgdawg.com/pics/yo-dawg-the-original.jpg ) like this:

alias “+scatter” “xhair_scatter; fov_scatter; slot1 +attack”
alias “-scatter” “-attack”

bind “mouse1” “+scatter”

Last edited by profane,



There is no real reason why MOUSE1 should ever be anything except +attack tbh.
Use something like this instead: bind “MWHEELUP” “cl_autoreload 0; slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1; PistolCrosshairColor;” and bind “MWHEELDOWN” “cl_autoreload 1; slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; ScatterCrosshairColor;”. Sometimes the easiest solutions are the best ;)


Quoted from Archy

There is no real reason why MOUSE1 should ever be anything except +attack tbh.Sometimes the easiest solutions are the best ;)

no offense but it’s all personal preference and the OP got what he wanted now.

Quoted from Archy

There is no real reason why MOUSE1 should ever be anything except +attack tbh.
Use something like this instead: bind “MWHEELUP” “cl_autoreload 0; slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1; PistolCrosshairColor;” and bind “MWHEELDOWN” “cl_autoreload 1; slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; ScatterCrosshairColor;”. Sometimes the easiest solutions are the best ;)

Sometimes preferences are the best.
“Imo there is no reason why f12 should be anything but +attack” makes just as much sense. (even if it’s a bit extreme)

Quoted from profane

I’ll try this out now; thanks for something productive =3
Edit: Didn’t work

Last edited by Pynklùùùnningen,


Quoted from Pynklùùùnningen


Edit: Didn’t work

did you paste it directly from my post? it doesn’t have the last semicolon between slot1 and +attack. I use pretty much the same setup up myself, I’ve only edited it to be more clear in the .cfg file.

also check your console after loading the cfg to see if it comes up with any errors

Last edited by profane,



// ———————–
//|Remove Default Binds |
// ———————–

unbind “1”
unbind “2”
unbind “3”
unbind “MWHEELUP”
unbind “q”
unbind “mouse1”
unbind “mouse2”
unbind “mouse3”

// ———————–
//|Scout viewmodels |
// ———————–

r_drawviewmodel “0”
alias “slot1_scatter” “slot1;r_drawviewmodel “0”” // —->see—->scattergun
alias “slot2_pistol” “slot2;r_drawviewmodel “1”” // —->see—->pistol
alias “slot3_melee” “slot3;r_drawviewmodel “1”” // —->see—->Melee

// ————
//| Scattergun |
// ————

alias +scat “slot1_scatter;+attack”
alias -scat “-attack;”
bind “MOUSE1” “+scat”

// ———-
//| Pistol |
// ———-

alias +pist “slot2_pistol;+attack”
alias -pist “-attack”
bind “MOUSE2” “+pist”

// ———–
//| Melee |
// ———–

alias +melee “slot3_melee;+attack”
alias -melee “-attack”
bind “MOUSE3” “+melee”

this should work. it will work more efficiently with another file for the unbinds/ rebinds so that it doesn’t mess up your other configs. but essentially this will make your scout config work.

Last edited by Sketch,

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