Organisation looking for TF2
Created 11th January 2011 @ 20:29
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Perilous Gaming
We’re a long standing small community clan based in the UK that is driving to grow throughout 2011 and onwards.
We’re currently completing our second CS:S squad and are looking to expand into the depths of our first TF2 squad as well as other games.
From You
We’re looking to build either a brand new squad giving you time and patience to solidify as a team, or to take on an already established team that maybe looking to join a community organisation.
We’re looking for a relatively active team and/or members that have the time & patience with themselves and team mates to enable yourselves to grow and develop as a unit.
We’re looking for a team aiming for season 9 and other competitions.
We’re not particularly looking for a LANable team however we do LAN and it’s a bonus if you wish to do so too.
We’re not really too restrictive of age, although we do make sure everyone is able to get along with everyone so there are no loose cogs in the works.
From Us
We’re ready to offer you the usual suspects of a game and mumble server both based in the UK.
We’re ready to offer you good support throughout with a dedicated management & staff team on hand most of the time.
We’re developing a website that is currently in a useable state and in private beta to the clan, with development still ongoing.
Steam: [email protected]
Or Reply/PM here.
Perilous Gaming
Last edited by Michael,
Quoted from Tapley ❤
GL HF I’m sure theres a few up and coming div3/4 clans who’d be interested.
Thanks mate, appreciated.
Quoted from Warmaster
Good luck with your search! Hope you find a nice team.
Cheers mate, so far you all seem so much nicer than the….source scene……..
Best of luck with your search, sure there’ll be a few teams interested.
Just as a tip (not a criticism since you said “communication server”, not Vent), pretty much all TF2 teams use Mumble nowadays, so that’s probably what you’d want to advertise as the communication server to be provided (assuming you can, of course).
Quoted from octochris
Best of luck with your search, sure there’ll be a few teams interested.
Just as a tip (not a criticism since you said “communication server”, not Vent), pretty much all TF2 teams use Mumble nowadays, so that’s probably what you’d want to advertise as the communication server to be provided (assuming you can, of course).
Thanks mate, we actually use mumble as a rule, I was just trying not to show bias to 1 as we can offer others if preffered.
Appreciate the input. :D
Edited above.
I hope you guys get a good team. there are many out there that I’m sure would love to be sponsored. I’ll try and get in touch with some of my friends that are in non-sponsored div3-4 clans and let them have a look at this :)
Quoted from d2m
GL :)
P.S. Don’t start every paragraph with “We’re” :D
Thanks mate,
I did notice that right after posting, but was hoping the grammar nazis were on holiday.
We’re hoping this thread won’t be raped by any more nazis of grammar. XD
Last edited by Michael,
Quoted from Tornf4lk
I hope you guys get a good team. there are many out there that I’m sure would love to be sponsored. I’ll try and get in touch with some of my friends that are in non-sponsored div3-4 clans and let them have a look at this :)
Thanks mate, much appreciated.
gl like ur avatar. Wish i could recommend some teams but i lost all connections with reality :(
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