Laggy servers
Created 30th December 2010 @ 21:49
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Has anybody else has issues with laggy servers?
nope never ran into one
What’s this “lag” you’re talking about? Never heard of it…
Quoted from selsper
Has anybody else has issues with laggy servers?
multiplay? oh yes
I think it’s due to tf2.
I was on 4 different servers (by different companies) yesterday and at some point, they all started lagging epicly (it was really difficult to walk around the map) in the same way, and 2 of them crashed.
My pixelgaming server was declared unplayable due to lag last night. Moved to other team’s server (multiplay) and everything was fine there.
Ye. A couple of people have had this on pixel gaming servers, and my servers on my personal dedi which isn’t related in any way. I looked into it and it definitely seems TF2/Steam related. There was 4 matches running on one of the pixel gaming boxes at one point last night. 1 server was having issues, along with another on my personal dedi, while the other 3 were having no problems at all.
Just an fyi, it seems network related. I don’t want to jump the gun, but a huge number of entirely unrelated servers from different providers all over europe suddenly starting to have issues at the same time not long after a DoS exploit in the engine gets a bit of publicity does sound a little… convenient, to me.
Last edited by Skyride,
I have had servers lagging and crashing (only 6v6 servers) for the last few days :O
Sounds like the attack mentioned in this thread
My firewall also logged some of these packages.
Screenshot #1:
Screenshot #2:
These attacks were done on the following ports on different machines where game servers are running:
I don’t know if my firewall rules did help because I was not on one of the servers. Did anyone had issues on our servers?
Anyways it seems that someone is having fun :/
The possible fix I applied is mentioned in the other thread.
Last edited by Ronny,
and I tough our team are hackers.. every server we play starts to lag and crashes a bit later..hiperz, multiplay, inx… dunno about
Its not the servers, recently we played a low skilled mix team whilst playing with my pub team, they lost by a very close margin and ddosed us the next four games we tried to play.
They just got the ip of one of the players off irc waited for us to get a match and bam instant 300 ping.
Quoted from Black_Bob
Its not the servers, recently we played a low skilled mix team whilst playing with my pub team, they lost by a very close margin and ddosed us the next four games we tried to play.
They just got the ip of one of the players off irc waited for us to get a match and bam instant 300 ping.
Very easy to remedy, just always set +x on yourself. Pretty much every ircd supports this.
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