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TF2 Update 23/12

Created 23rd December 2010 @ 04:31

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Tapley ❤


Stop being pedantic Chris or im going to hit you with my penis.



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Stop being pedantic Chris or im going to hit you with my penis.

you already do that regularly



I haven’t used, or seen anyone using the buffalo/gru combo, but if valve are so ridiculously stupid that it made the heavy twice as fast as a scout, then they really aren’t clever enough to tie their own shoelaces, never mind make computer games. As this isn’t the case, I assumed it was closer to 1x scout, not 2. Chill man, it’s nearly Christmas!

Sir Remix


Quoted from Monkeh

I haven’t used, or seen anyone using the buffalo/gru combo, but if valve are so ridiculously stupid that it made the heavy twice as fast as a scout, then they really aren’t clever enough to tie their own shoelaces, never mind make computer games. As this isn’t the case, I assumed it was closer to 1x scout, not 2. Chill man, it’s nearly Christmas!


Spike Himself


Quoted from Monkeh

I haven’t used, or seen anyone using the buffalo/gru combo, but if valve are so ridiculously stupid that it made the heavy twice as fast as a scout, then they really aren’t clever enough to tie their own shoelaces, never mind make computer games.

Bugs happen! It always saddens me to see how a lot of people assume that game development, or development of any kind, is extremely easy, and having bugs in your application is outrageously noobish. These people greatly underestimate the complexity that is a game. It’s a lot more than “ok this button will make you move forward”.

Valve always gets shittalked for having lots of bugs in their games. People forget that they can afford to do this because of Steam and the way it updates automatically when a patch is released. *It is no big deal!*
People also forget about all the stuff Valve added and fixed. The amount of bugs in TF2 is nothing compared to the amount of awesome additions they have made to the game.
TF2 is also Valve’s “testing bed”, as Gabe once said in an interview.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah shut the fuck up you shit cunts.
You are still getting regular updates and new content for a game you bought three years ago.

Did the GRU + Buffalo bug have any impact on any official match? No!
Fuck off!



Quoted from Monkeh

Chill man, it’s nearly Christmas!


are monkeh and spike new forum “need to discuss everything” idiots?



Not new, definitely an idiot…at least that’s what I’m told, I dont quite know what the word means…. :/

Edit: If I feel I want to express an opinion on a subject on a public internet forum, then I will. You sir, can fuck off.

Last edited by Monkeh,

Spike Himself





I’d quite like to compile a list of all the good and bad things we have recieved from these constant updates. The one good thing I can think of is the airblast and they even managed to fuck that up with mini-crits.



Quoted from dauk

are monkeh and spike new forum “need to discuss everything” idiots?

they’re definitely both idiots at least



What do I replace in my sounds/ui folder? There’s not hitsound.wav, and naming my hitsound “hitsound.wav” doesn’t work.



Quoted from Monkeh

You sir, can fuck off.

Shit just got real.


(Toucan Ambassador)


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