Colors on Default crosshair
Created 6th December 2010 @ 17:05
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Was hoping anyone could help me getting colors on my default crosshair.
I am currently using CommHUD and would like to keep it.
Current crosshair Pic –
thnx bai
Last edited by iSmekk,
Not sure this is possible, unless you’re gonna take the default crosshair, colour it in Photoshop, paint or gimp or whatever and then use it like a custom one like povohat.
There was a script or something out there that did change the colour of the default xhair but.. sadly it did’nt work on sv_pure_2 servers :(
I hope that valve do implement something to do so in the near future. I’ve even sent them emails about it! Never got a response though.
Instead of making a whole new thread about something that is somewhat related to this one, I’ll just post my question in here :D
I use the second default crosshair option (the one with a lowercase D for those who didn’t know) and my problem is when I choose that, every class has the default scout one :( Now, I’m sort of ok with that but, I was wondering if there is a way to change it manually without going to the other default option. Many thanks in advance if you know a way!
Last edited by Greg,
Default is alterable in my settings, only problem i have is the large the crosshair the fainter it is
I like my crosshair:
I want to try the default medic medigun crosshair :D
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