"Genius Ideas/Suggestions" Thread
Created 4th December 2010 @ 20:18
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Vanilla mode as a cvar in a server.
Quoted from Koeitje
– make it possible to remove rocket trails
– fix rocket splash damage
– lower rocket self damage by 10%
+ Fix pipe damage at a steady 100 on direct (as alfa said) and buff long range direct rockets at around 55dmg (standard is 48).
Generally I think direct hits with normal rocket launcher should be rewarded a bit more than they do atm.
Add falloff damage to the grenade launcher and either make it not splash through enemies or make it so that the rocket launcher splashes through enemies :v
Quoted from Ched
Add falloff damage to the grenade launcher and either make it not splash through enemies or make it so that the rocket launcher splashes through enemies :v
True, splashing through opponents with rockets is really needed! But falloff on pipes is not :(
Everything Koeitje and EvilDinner said and Rockets shouldn’t be blocked from friendly players.
change arena maps like ravine to koth
Quoted from Mads2
[…] But falloff on pipes is not :(
Then removing falloff on rockets is needed instead, it could go either way.
Quoted from Enef
Then removing falloff on rockets is needed instead, it could go either way.
I think the scouts would disagree :)
Bare in mind a rolling grenade does more damage than a direct rocket from one end of badlands mid to the other. Slightly upsetting when demomen using their ‘secondary’ weapon are better suited for airshotting due to the lack of falloff damage.
Maybe roller damage should be nerfed to 55 damage now that you say it, I think it would’nt be too harsh of a downgrade and it would provide a better award for direct hits rather than rollie hits…It makes me a bit sad though since I play demo and all but I’m willing to let some of my class slightly overpowered perks go in order to play a better game :)
Introduce back the manual pistol (click to shoot instead of holding down m1 in order to get the “fastest” pistol rounds).
It’s annoying to see how slow the shots are when you just keep pressed m1. Back in the day, the pistol was so awesome when you just clicked once per 1 bullet.
I mean I know they wanted to eliminate the possibility of using pistol scripts, but that script wasn’t even allowed in ETF2L in the first place so why introduce the auto shooting Valve?
New topic to discus, the 100% health boost
initial testing 600 HP heavy is really fun to kill
Health packs need to half they % they heal, e.g. heavy picks up 50% HP = 300 HP (best part of 2 meat shots)
got more initial feed back but will wait for a topic
Quoted from Tikcus
got more initial feed back but will wait for a topic
Feel free to suggest more threads to discuss any other changes in the beta.
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