"Genius Ideas/Suggestions" Thread
Created 4th December 2010 @ 20:18
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Quoted from Vali
Ok, is it just me, or does the red text appear as a stereogram?
Quoted from Spike Himself
What does tf2 have that you could leave out of this ‘lite’ version? The only things I can think of are covered in Chris’ fps configs.
Hats, crafting, trading, random drops. You get all weapons and that’s it.
I’m mainly saying this because TF2 doesn’t run like it used to and gets worse every update.
Fix the fall damage
cvar to disable hats and weapons effects
Well since I couldnt make a thread..
The shortstop’s slowing down function has been removed from the game, and if I remember correctly this was the only reason everyone whined about it (even if it isnt a big deal), now it has been taken away – so what’s the look on it now?
Quoted from Defur
Well since I couldnt make a thread..
The shortstop’s slowing down function has been removed from the game, and if I remember correctly this was the only reason everyone whined about it (even if it isnt a big deal), now it has been taken away – so what’s the look on it now?
I thought the slowdown was only removed on targets being healed?
Quoted from Permzilla
I thought the slowdown was only removed on targets being healed?
Wasn’t that just a suggestion for a natascha nerf?
It was one of the undocumented changes for the game (not the beta, didnt know where elsewhere to talk about this without creating a shitstorm)
Quoted from Defur
Well since I couldnt make a thread..
The shortstop’s slowing down function has been removed from the game, and if I remember correctly this was the only reason everyone whined about it (even if it isnt a big deal), now it has been taken away – so what’s the look on it now?
It wasn’t removed – it was never there in the first place. They removed the description (because the actual effect didn’t exist).
Quoted from Mark
It wasn’t removed – it was never there in the first place. They removed the description (because the actual effect didn’t exist).
It’s in the name of the weapon as well.
I’m also pretty sure it did have the effect :/
It did have some sort of slowdown, which wasn’t very obvious, but it completely stopped a rocketjump in its tracks, which was kinda annoying. The problem with the shortsto is that it has a ridicufast fire rate and reload speed, with only a tiny bit less (20) damage. Its the new FaN D:
Dont you have to hit point blank/full meatshot for like 70-80?
Or how was it again?
Without aimbot it can be hard with that small spread. ^^
– make it possible to remove rocket trails
– fix rocket splash damage
– lower rocket self damage by 10%
No, it didn’t have the effect at all – GreenMarine (Valve employee) confirmed it on another board:
“It was designed with slowdown in mind – as someone mentioned. We made a mistake and the attribute didn’t ship properly.
The weapon seems good enough without it, so we’re in a state where I think enabling it would be too strong. I’m waiting to collect more data.
I should remove the attribute string, but I forgot.
The jury’s still out on that one. “
Fix the demoman pipes to do the correct damage, it’s annoying to 2 pipe a soldier, and him not dying because your second pipe does 98 damage instead of 100 – 102.
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