TF2 Public Beta
Created 3rd December 2010 @ 00:55
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What sorts of things will we use the beta for, you ask?
* Testing and tuning various class, item, and weapon changes
* Testing map changes and variants
* Running higher level, game-wide experiments (like doubling player health)
* Testing new technologies without the risk of breaking the game
The beta is available to anyone that owns a copy of TF2. To install, launch Steam, open the Library and install “Team Fortress 2 Beta” from your games list.
What’s in the initial release?
Three Natascha variants:
* -40% damage
* -25% damage, -25% health
* Spin-up/down time increased, slowdown-on-hit effect falls off over distance.
Map changes:
* cp_granary: new entrance added into the RED and BLU mid ramp room.
* cp_5gorge: 5 CP version of cp_gorge.
Misc balance changes:
* Players being healed by a medic are immune to movement-impairing effects generated by hit-scan weapons.
Are there items in the Beta?
* On signing into the beta, you’ll be automatically granted all the achievement based unlockables. As we add new items for testing purposes, these will automatically be added to your backpack. Random items drop are turned off, and the store will not be available.
Will Beta items be changed or removed?
* In response to the feedback on them, items in the Beta may change, or be removed at any time. Don’t get too attached to them.
Are there Beta servers? Can we host our own?
* We’re running a set of official Valve Beta servers, and it’d be great if other server administrators want to chip in. Details are here. (Use “-game tf_beta” with HLDSUpdateTool to install the server files for the Beta).
How do we give feedback?
* Visit the official TF2 Public Beta forum
Just a note, I’ll be throwing up a couple of servers running this beta, so just give me a PM if you want the deets to run some mixes or whatever on it.
ETF2L cups, I called it first
We have our own Competitive Forum btw:
Last edited by alfa,
5CP Gorge sounds like it has potential.
Not sure about the Granary change, I’ll have to see how that one plays out.
More doors on Granary is always going to be a good thing.
I fuggin love doors.
Quoted from Pie Are Squared
More doors on Granary is always going to be a good thing.
I fuggin love doors.
Doors on Granary aren’t the problem, imo.
It’s the size of the doors and the cramped rooms they lead into or the cramped rooms leading into massive yards (making nice, spammable choke points) are the problem, imo. :P
Quoted from alfa
We have our own Competitive Forum btw:
Good luck to the 7 moderators, they’ll need it.
That’s the only change
Gorge is literally a straight mirror but with outside spawn as first CP, on the bridge bit where first CP is on cp_gorge is second and mid is the final point
Last edited by Vazzan,
Quoted from Vazzan
That’s the only change
Quoted from Vazzan
That’s the only changeGorge is literally a straight mirror but with outside spawn as first CP, on the bridge bit where first CP is on cp_gorge is second and mid is the final point
This means a demo can opt for a slightly faster roll-out to the catwalk or go for the normal one and pick up the small med pack.
Just uploading cp_5gorge as I guess not everyone will be able to download the beta
renamed it to avoid problems later down the line
Last edited by Vazzan,
On signing into the beta, you’ll be automatically granted all the achievement based unlockables. As we add new items for testing purposes, these will automatically be added to your backpack. Random items drop are turned off, and the store will not be available.
Screw tf2, lets all play this!
Seriously though, this is really frigging awesome. Better get our acts together and show the comp community is capable of quality feedback without flaming.
Will see if we can get a one day cup up asap.
Quoted from Vazzan
That’s the only change
I would say that would slow the game more, the team holding yard could place a sollie up then and get some easier spam.
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