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TF2 Update - 3/12/2010

Created 3rd December 2010 @ 00:44

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A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2:
– Added check to prevent control characters from user-provided item names and descriptions (replaced with spaces).
– Fixed a control point bug where players could capture points that were already owned by their team.
– Fixed a server crash caused by kicking a player that isn’t fully connected.
– Fixed Spies being able to destroy sappers using the “destroy” command.
– Fixed Engineers being able to destroy sapped buildings by issuing the command directly in the console.
– Fixed an issue where team colored hats were showing up improperly when previewing the Team Spirit paint on them.
– Fixed an issue where SourceTV clients were seeing their local player/duel stats in the scoreboard.
– Updated the player_hurt event to always set “damageamount” even if the attacker is the world (falling damage).
– Updated items:
– Many hats have had their appearance while painted improved. Paintable hats should now appear less like solid blobs of color and retain more of the character and texture of the hat.
– Integrated several improvements to contributed items provided by their authors.
– Made the following items paintable: Sergeant’s Drill Hat, Pyro’s Beanie, “Dangeresque, Too?”, Whiskered Gentleman, Safe’n’Sound, Trophy Belt, Frenchman’s Beret, Camera Beard, Max’s Severed Head, Alien Swarm Parasite, Ellis’ Cap, and the Horrific Headsplitter.
– Sam & Max items and the Portal 2 Pin are now Gift Wrappable.


Last edited by Skyride,



Undocumented changes (Patch 2):
* Fixed Sergeant’s Drill Hat and Tyrant’s Helm appearance.
* Fixed appearance of paintable hats in DX8 mode.




Nope, you still can’t see painted hats in DX8…


UbeR |

Quoted from droso

Nope, you still can’t see painted hats in DX8…



Lol, just posted what I read at the TF2 wiki. I don’t run TF2 in dx8 so i had no way of confirming it :D



The bug was that painted hats appeared white. Now they’re default again, presumably. I don’t use dx8 though so I haven’t checked.


Do be

The only DirectX 8 bug that I encountered was the red Bonk Helm on a Blue Scout. Now it seems fixed.

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