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To Byte:

Created 2nd December 2010 @ 01:26

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Dear Byte,

Your medic play style has been a big inspiration for me as a medic. I have watched many demos of you while you finessed your way through spam, however I have never quite understood how you got this good. So I made this post to ask you a question, said question being:

How can I, a dominant pub medic get involved in the competitive scene?

Yours Truly,
Seth Robles.

Last edited by discourse,

Tapley ❤


I’ll sell you a signed Ahmad “Byte” Fansa mouse matt for £25 Seth, how about that. For £50 i’ll even get you a topless photo.


hi -> http://www.gotfrag.com/tf2/forums/thread/436082/

gotfrag troll, welcome to the forums

Last edited by alfa,

Spike Himself


Quoted from alfa

hi -> http://www.gotfrag.com/tf2/forums/thread/436082/

gotfrag troll, welcome to the forums

Have you considered the possibility this guy might actually genuinely be interested in comp play and etf2l and gotfrag are the only places he could find to ask for more information? If you think everyone is a troll and every post is a trolling attempt, maybe you’ve been on gotfrag a little too often.

Ok so it is kinda lame to copy the same post and add a different name to it.


In order to post comments, you must be a registered member. If you have not registered, it’s free and easy!

If you *have* registered, though, it’s expensive and difficult!
I love americans.

Last edited by Spike Himself,



Maybe a little.



He has to be trolling if he thinks Byte is a good medic.

<3 Byte



just learn to finesse your way through spam of course

Become friends with people who are better then you, and play regularly to better yourself.

Always mark a clear escape route at all times, in a position that can be changed depending on circumstances. unless you are against a demoman when dodging, or when you are trying to get away quickly vs a soldier, stay on the ground, as being in the air reduces your manouverability and makes you predictable. Do not have a particular pattern or rhythm to your dodging. Use the full length of your medigun and clash bodies with your pocket(s) or run through them to get way from enemies. Always check your back. Always do the maths of any multi uber, and know (within 5%) what the enemies uber is at any time. Always assess the openness of any situation, and do not play aggressively until you feel comfortable with medic. Always keep an eye on the scoreboard, along with the uber percentages of both the teams, this will tell you when to push and when to leg it. Never underestimate the value of extra run speed by looking where you are running. Keep it simple until you get good enough to play in a complicated manner. Keep your cone of sight at a maximum at all times and reduce your attackers. Know your maps.

And finally, never assume its not your fault. Even if its not, youve probably done something wrong.


to byte:

how much of your body is covered in hair, to the closest 5%?


Quoted from discourse

Dear Byte,

Your medic play style has been a big inspiration for me as a medic. I have watched many demos of you while you finessed your way through spam, however I have never quite understood how you got this good. So I made this post to ask you a question, said question being:

How can I, a dominant pub medic get involved in the competitive scene?

Yours Truly,
Seth Robles.

Hi Seth

I don’t know if you are genuine or If you are trolling, either way I will give you the benefit of doubt :-) I can give you an explanation to your question and also offer the option to mentor if you wish.

Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960279754 or you can find me on irc #etf2l or #etf2l.radio on quakenet name is Byte-me|Aweh or Byte-me|Laptop etc.

Hope this helps.



Last edited by byte,


Quoted from kuma

to byte:

how much of your body is covered in hair, to the closest 5%?

80% Mr Kuma




(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

32 seconds of body hair baby!!!

Ok i’ve been playing too much tf2



Quoted from skeej


and hangin round with zeyork too much :D


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

sad but true



double mix?

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