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Random open question to all medics

Created 1st December 2010 @ 12:09

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The auto heal function (the option to lock to a target) do you use it and why?

I have never really used it as it felt odd to me and I found switching to be slower but I thought most people used m1. Seeing Torden’s well post and asking around found not the case. So I ask if so why :D?



m1 4eva bro



With autoheal you can run forward while healing someone while using the mouse hand for other stuff.



Quoted from ash

With autoheal you can run forward while healing someone while using the mouse hand for other stuff.

so you don’t hold your mouse? o_O



I Use m1 and Auto-heal, just pressing m1 all the time, when i have to heal someone and release to switch, but the auto heal is rly good for the warm up time at gravel or when i get tabbed out of the game etc.

Spike Himself


I used to use autoheal, but not anymore. Switched because pyyyour said he didn’t use it (lol fanboy). Without it, it feels you have more ‘control’, if that makes any sense. Also I always found there was a small delay when switching heal targets, with autoheal on.

Btw, is it me or is there a bug with the kritz? When you switch healing targets it feels as if it doesn’t release (the animation is ‘missing’). Feels as if your mouse button gets stuck :x

Last edited by Spike Himself,



I tend not to use it and for the same reasons mentioned in this thread. Switching seems slightly slower to me as well.



tried it ages ago, felt like i had less control, so no, i don’t use it.

The option that keeps the beam locked is on… but in tight situations I always get so excited that I constantly keep M1 pressed in anyway :D

Spike Himself


Quoted from Cycl4mate

The option that keeps the beam locked is on… but in tight situations I always get so excited that I constantly keep M1 pressed in anyway :D

I do that with my push to talk key. Everyone obviously wants to hear me squirm (and shout “help! mommy!”) as I get my needles out and try to fend off a scout or two.



I’ve never tried it.



I would prefer hold to heal if I didn’t get cramps from it. :D


Quoted from iQue

I would prefer hold to heal if I didn’t get cramps from it. :D

^ this is the reason why I use autoheal

cba holding a button for about 30 minutes long
even tho autoheal might be a bit slower (I actually don’t know if this is true, but some people told me..) it’s very useful imo
like this you wont have any problems with ‘accidentally releasing the button’ (causing a failed uber and whatnot, idk)

Spike Himself


Quoted from Steve

cba holding a button for about 30 minutes long

That’s what I thought at first, and it took me quite a while to get used to it, but it definitely feels better.


are there actually any downsides to auto-heal?

I’ve heard that it starts the healing like half a second slower.. (which you can also hear whenever you heal somebody, with auto-heal it sound like you’re healing the person twice at the beginning) but I’ve yet to find any proof of that..

Last edited by Steve,

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