Quoted from trams

A petition will only do so much, I think we have to get involved ourselves, help them out with sponsors and so on, Valve isnt impossible to talk with either and can provide some prices.

If we only relies on DH crew this is gonna fail(again).

I think we need a group that keeps the interest up and can communicate with Dreamhacks esport crew.

Any volunteers? ;)

The problem doesn’t lie with volunteers, OG-admins can vouch for that. We were the ones keeping contact with DH crew and ran the tourney and all. We did everything we could to give TF2 the biggest audience on DH, but the DH-crew treated TF2 like dirt, didn’t want to give it support even though they gave us promises. It’s impossible to get anything going if the administrators of the LAN themselfs don’t support you. Sad but true :/ and I know dignitas and random swedish teams can vouch for that too since they saw us struggle live. From my personal viewpoint I wouldn’t mind arranging it again, but then DH would really have to come to me saying pretty much “we’re sorry we’re gonna do our best to support you” because what they did last year pretty much made me negative towards DH which I’ve attended every single time for like 7 years in a row before last years LAN. That’s how bad it is (was?)…

Last edited by fisk,