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Spy script: BIG problem with +attack

Created 28th November 2010 @ 16:23

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Since about 2 weeks I’m having a problem binding mouse2 to +attack2. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to bind ANY key to +attack2 when I’m using the spy class.

It ONLY happens when I am playing spy. But since cloaking is kinda handy when playing spy, I really would like to get this solved.

What I tried to do:

Unbind all, exec autoexec.cfg, exec config.cfg in my spy.cfg (didnt’ work)
I ran -autoconfig in my TF2 startup line (didn’t work)
I use the command bind “MOUSE2” “+attack2” in my console (didn’t work)

When I am typing this in console:

bind mouse2

I am getting:

“mouse2” = “+attack2”

I have absoluty no idea why it broke down. But my last resort is to completely re-install TF2 to solve this problem, since I fear +attack2 for the spy class is broken…

Anyone here has any idea, what might be the problem?


-Backup class cfgs/important settings
-Delete cfg folder
-Boot tf2
-Start a fresh.



I did that, Team Fortress installed a completely new CFG map like it should. But still no +attack2 posibility when using the spy class.. This is the most frustrating problem I had so far.

I am going for a fresh install now and hope that works. But if someone finds the solution to this problem, feel free to post here.


Have you tried opening your config.cfg with notepad++ or wordpad so it puts the breaks in, then fixing it, then making it read only? Because TF2 sometimes likes to change your config at random times ingame.



its a long shot, but i had this exact problem and it turned out to be because i didnt tick the box on mumble that says “surpress”, so i couldnt use secondary attack while holding down my push to talk button, and i couldn’t work out what the fuck was wrong for ages.



*Wabby: Only notepad, and TF2 is allowed to change the config, since it’s not read only. And it works, since I used “Options” to bind other keys after the -autoconfig statement.

*caneD: I wasn’t on mumble to whole time I tried to fix this. So that can’t be the problem. Besides, the +attack2 was working on other classes, just not with the spy-class

Still downloading TF2, Ill post here, if that fixes it. My best guess is that some gamefile got corrupted and is jamming the special attack of the spy class.


Last edited by Andee,



Try doing a complete refresh with http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/misc/tf2restore.bat


I bet Spike knows what to do.


Andee. In options > keyboard > class special skills, is mouse2 turned on for spy cloak/decloak?



Chris: I just installed TF2 again, but thank you for the link. Never know when it comes in handy :-)

Waster: Yes, the right key is showing.

I guess the re-install worked. I can cloak again. Thanks for all the help here. If I ever find out, what happend then I’ll post it here.

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