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TFTrue 2.8

Created 30th December 2008 @ 10:15

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“If you change too much in a game people dislike it, and it stops them developing as a player, because they keep having to change the way they play or something”

Do we change too much? No. Does it make people change the way they play? No.

And Mick doesn’t care about the plugin (he told me), all he want is just to whine about something, as he usually do all the time.



“If the randomness in TF2 is the charm then how the hell did no crits become the standard eh? If the random damage doesnt really affect the game, then what’s the problem in removing it?”

Because crits took the randomness to an extreme level…?

I think some people don’t actually oppose static damage, but the fact that the community will set itself more aloof from the pubbers, which will not encourage new people to try 6v6 out. And what else…oh yeah, the plugin obviously isnt balanced to cater to everyone’s taste. Soldiers and scouts like it because they de facto get buffed a bit.

Demos prolly hate it because they’re forced to reinvent themselves because some other people have gotten so frustrated with “the OPness of the demo” that they want to change the game to their tastes instead of dealing.

Then they bitch about demomen getting their panties in a twist, which is funny. The demos all have to love this plugin and if they don’t, they’re whiners? Sweet Jesus…

/end rant


Would be nice if people put this much effort into attending lans


(king of all rollouts)

“Does it make people change the way they play? No.”
It does. Demos can’t play the same way they have been doing, because they don’t do the damage, so we will have to rethink of ways to keep doing damage. or something along those lines, i dunno. all i know is DO_NOT_WANT



As a demo I really didn’t notice that the plugin was even installed. Looking back there were fewer “Oh wow I actually killed that guy” moments, but big who cares.

My only issue with this plugin is that it complicates entry into 6v6 play, and will even deter the less open minded from ever giving it a go. I’m not overly sure the loss of potential players is worth a few ragers from getting pissed off by a few pot shots.



If you change too much in a game people dislike it, and it stops them developing as a player, because they keep having to change the way they play or something.

I’m sure that’s why Valve keep updating TF2 with class and map changes of all sorts… They want players deserting!!!!!!


(king of all rollouts)

fu f2 :(


(Actual Size)

Wouldnt it be relevant to make a new topic where you can continue the never-ending “IS DEMO OP/should demo be able to 1shot-kill?!” and keep this one about tftrue?

If we believe the readme, no class does less nor more damage then before (in the long run), so this basicly cant be a nerf – unless you call it a nerf for all classes.

As i see it, theres 2 relevant questions here:
– Do we want tftrue to be mandatory when playing matches? (i really dont see this as a problem)
– Do we want to get rid of very high AND very low damage outputs and get an average instead?

The last would be answered with big fat yes from me. Even if it means i never get a cap against 4k.


“- Do we want tftrue to be mandatory when playing matches? (i really dont see this as a problem)
– Do we want to get rid of very high AND very low damage outputs and get an average instead?”

tftrue tried to do it, didnt they? but it sux :< so no….


If the etf2l not adopt it makes no sense to adopt it in gathers.
And in my opinion this will eliminate the luck factor of the game, and it is stupid in all the games the world is the luck factor.

Ps.:Sorry my english



You can play Quake, there is no randomness at all.



played a few pickups with TF-true today and gotta say I liked it, less random moments you could see the consistency of damage over regular damage with randomness.

anyone else notice how its only demomen moaning about this plugin?


archu : Yes, and we can also play TF2 and improve it by removing the randomness.


element //

i love how division 4/5 players comment on a competitive plugin

fucking useless

Maybe they comment on the plugin because it might affect everyone in etf2l? Like it or not, but the majority of players are in 4th and 5th division.

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