Smoother and faster strafes per script!
Created 27th November 2010 @ 13:07
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Quoted from Casual
Run in a straight line while ducked.
Now go back and type +movedown in your console. Run in a straight line again while ducked.
Result: you move slightly slower.
I wasnt aware of that you are right oO but i think its more of a bug then a feature.
I will update the OP ty.
Guys there is a difference in what you think strafing is and what strafing actually means:
You are refering to strafe jumps but there are more ways to strafe like dodging left and right.
Though the only time it’s an issue is when you’re cloak&daggering (which is also when I found out about it).
You have to be absolutely retarded to liken this to uber binds (that is, if it does what it say son the tin. I haven’t actually tried it).
Quoted from kaidus
You have to be absolutely retarded to liken this to uber binds (that is, if it does what it say son the tin. I haven’t actually tried it).
tl;dr nobody likened it to uber binds on a practical level. However, I did compare them on a completely theoretical to explain a point about ETF2L rules and their interpretation.
Quoted from compton
tl;dr nobody likened it to uber binds on a practical level. However, I did compare them on a completely theoretical to explain a point about ETF2L rules and their interpretation.
So this stuff is allowed?
Quoted from Koeitje
So this stuff is allowed?
according to him any script is allowed in etf2l as the “6.5 Addendum” rule doesnt work
Last edited by AnimaL,
I’m saying neither. I’m just saying that on theoretical level it applies to all scripts so it must be interpreted and each script is a case-by-case. AnimaL was telling other people his interpretation as facts, which isn’t quite right. Sure, he’s entitled to his opinion but pushing it to other people saying “script x is banned” isn’t fair when we’re talking about a previously uncontested case that has not been explicitly banned.
I personally think that the rule isn’t very good, but I’m not taking a stance on these scripts as an admin, as I’m just a web coder in the ETF2L admin team and have nothing to do with the ETF2L rules or managing the league otherwise.
This thread is going in circles.
Last edited by compton,
according to rule, if the script would allow you to do “faster and smoother” anything – its banned
i didnt say that this script does that tho
Last edited by AnimaL,
cool invention man i really like this script
how did you come up with this innovative idea
wd stealing this directly from povohat
nicely stolen from
..with a lot more enter keys pressed
Quoted from XHunter
alias +jmpmov “+jump;+moveup”
alias -jmpmov “-jump;-moveup”
Wasn’t sure if this had been posted, but when you are a scout and you double jump, you lose a lot of momentum in the air.
Quoted from povohat
cool invention man i really like this script
how did you come up with this innovative idea
omg!!! why didnt u copyright ur awesome invention?!??!?!?!?
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